The Local Elections

Day 306, 03:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Daoine na hÉireann,

I am delighted at the results of the Local Elections. The Irish Union Party now have two mayoral seats and were so very very close to getting a third. What is also very pleasing for me as party president is the fact the the Irish Union Party received more actual votes than any other party. This would indicate that our members are concentrated heavily in Dublin and Cork where our candidates won very convincingly.

My sincere commiserations to Shadowking our candidate in Limerick, who despite receiving equal votes to 5n4keyes, IFP party president, lost out (presumably due to lower political points).

To all Irish Union Party candidates who didn't get in, I say well done. You all ran great campaigns and have given us a great base of support to work upon for the next elections. I am sure that you will make great politicians in the future as congressmen or any new position that V1 brings us.

I must also congratulate all those who became mayor today, I wish you all the best on your mandate and to all those who went up but didn't quite make it, look to te future.

My most hearty congratulations of course to Wes Tanner who was reinstated as Mayor of Cork and Inquitus the new mayor of Dublin.

Igor Thunderbrow