The Lion of Judah

Day 682, 15:30 Published in Israel Israel by Charles Nimitz

We possess this ancient land.
Its breath we hold so dear.
We are the very soul of it.
It is what we revere.

My dear Israel, I have seen you in despair over the past few days. It has been months since our country has seen times like these. Economic ruin, and disorganization have plagued us for as long as I have been here. That is why I have decided that enough is enough. I am formally announcing my intention to run for the Presidency of Israel!

People of Israel, we all know this month's Presidential elections will be the defining moment in our nation's history. We can choose the wrong, but easy way. If we choose this route, we will never taste the satisfying flavor of change, and of prosperity. The other choice, is the harder, but right choice. We can make a promise to each other, to your fellow eIsraelis, that we will work to carry, even on our backs if needed, our nation to a glorious place.

I know what my strengths, and my limitations are. If elected, I will do my best to work alongside my comrades in a road to prosperity.

I am one of the most experienced eIsraeli's in this eWorld that we live in. I served as the American ambassador to Spain during the early part of this world war we are engulfed in. I had to go through the challenges of comforting our closest allies on the loss of their 16,000 gold, and the downfall of Asturias. I was named the Press Secretary for the Democratic Party in the eUSA, which taught me the in and outs of inter party relations. I am the founder, and two time Party President of the Israeli Progressive Party. I was named Minister of Immigration under President Cjwillwin. I am a Sergeant in the IDF reserves. I am currently the Israeli ambassador to Spain. Lastly, I am a Congressman from Nazareth North District.

As you can see, I offer a vast resume of experience, which I hope can be used to lead our nation.

I am one of, If not the most active eIsraeli in the world I have, proposed the creation of a Kibbutz, a national eIsraeli university, the reorganization of the IDF reserves, the organization of the ministry of Foreign Affairs, and created a movement to help refugees in eIsrael.

I intend to release my Platform tomorrow.

Until then, power to the people, and Power to Israel
