The LIES Behind the CND Money Scandal

Day 518, 08:24 Published in Canada Canada by Reed Dotto

I am not going to re-explain what has been going on in eCanada the past few days. If you don’t know, please read the dozen or so articles on the stolen money issue already.

‘The Truth’ was revealed that is was a keylogger that hacked into Gofarman’s account and stole the 35000 CAD and some gold. Everyone can relax now and go back to trusting the government that is in no way at fault for what happened. Lucky us!

Problem is… Most people don’t believe ‘the truth’. Why is this? Is it because David Johnson himself in IRC admits that he is taking the suspects words at full value and that he is actually unsure what actually happened himself? Is it because Gofarman himself has yet to make any large scale attempt to defend himself to the general masses? Is it all the closed door conversations of late between the suspects involved? Or is it because of all the inconsistencies within the story itself?

The truth is that no one knows fully know the truth yet (other than the ones involved) and members of the government seem to be happy to quickly back a keylogging answer. We have yet to hear what Bruck thinks about the recent ‘truth’ but with this being his ‘main focus’ I hope to hear more from our esteemed leader soon.

In the end the government failed us and now they need to make up for it and keep us informed. Have the real truth be found or change the suspect cabinet. Keep your citizens better informed as well. They voted for you and deserve that much.