The Lickamai Post - Vol. 6

Day 624, 10:57 Published in USA USA by Jarrell

The Lickamai Post - Vol. 6

Aug. 5, 2009 is election day. Once again we are faced with the choice between the same old policies and the new fresh faces. Harrison Richardson, Emerick and Joshua Hoss have all made a name for themselves this go around, and at the time this article was written is does not look good for the incumbent, Harrison Richardson.

Will the election of a new President significantly change the course of America and the war against PEACE? Probably not. Will the election of a new President mean lower taxes on weapons and better job security? Doesn't look that way.

So really, you might ask yourself, what is the point of even bringing in a new President when all they do is obey the same barking orders as the last guy? Is it the illusion of progress that we so highly seek?

As George Orwell said,
"Progress is not an illusion, it happens, but it is slow and invariably disappointing."

It is with this that we have become content.

Whomever the next President is, whether it's Harrison Richardson, Emerick, Joshua Hoss or Joe The Plumber, we need a person in office that knows what is good, what is right and have the ability to tell the difference.

The Lickamai Post - Vol. 6