The Lickamai Post - Vol. 5

Day 608, 11:34 Published in USA USA by Jarrell
The Lickamai Post - Vol. 5
Welcome to all of our new Russian viewers.

America In Danger?!
Russia and France have struck, and they have struck hard. Not only have we lost Alaska, but we have also lost Washington, Idaho and are on the verge of possibly losing Utah.
We need to stand up and FIGHT!
Everyone needs to do their best out there. We are all citizens of this country and need to fight to keep it that way. Russia and France have stood up to one of the world's most powerful nations and they are WINNING! We will not rest until we have recovered our lost territories! America stands for all that is right and just in the world and we will not crumble to the likes of our enemies!
We're fighting for our right to live, to exist. We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!

There is nothing that we, as Americans, can not do! If we put all of our minds and strength together we can do anything. Even with Harrison Richardson as President we'll be able to do a great deal to our enemies, we just need to work as one.

Keep your wellness high by moving to a state with a Q5 hospital in order to maintain an impressive fight on the battle field. Also, keep a heavy supply of weapons on hand so that every blow the enemy feels will burn them with the power of a million suns. This is AMERICA dammit! We don't just assume the fetal position when the enemy comes knocking. No we stand on our own two feet and meet them eye to eye.

We will fight on. We will fight on, and win.

The Lickamai Post - Vol. 5