The Liberal Red Book

Day 254, 08:17 Published in Canada Canada by The Darkness

Hello all, I am the Darkness and I have been appointed as the interim leader of the CSD, now Liberal Party of Canada. It is now time to release our own policy platform: the Liberal Red Book.

Our nation is blessed in that it does not have many serious problems, but there are many smaller problems which have the potential to snowball on us if we do not react to them now. Our lack of effective domestically owned trainers in the Weapons, and housing industry for one is most desturbing. I believe it is time that the Canadian government established a social safety net for new canadians in much the same way as the United States, United Kingdom, and many other nations have done.

Our existing companies seem to be perpetually hovering around Q2. In order to improve our economy, we need to start upgrading to the highest quality possible, and remain competetive in international and domestic markets.

In foreign affairs, many of the old alliances are falling apart, so it is time that we forged new ones. The PANAM has long wished to add Canada to its ranks, while many western members of the M.A. have grown fond of, and close to the United States of America. It is obvious that a grand alliance could be formed out of these two blocs, and is one we must investigate.

As such, a Liberal Government will do the following:

- Place the National Bank of Canada under the control of the Industry Minister, who will be responsible for providing loans, mortgages, and any other subsity necessary.
- Create or buy Q1 trainers for a Ministry of Industry S.O. which will administer Training companies in Food, Hospitals, Weapons, Moving Tickets, Gifts and Housing, then fire employees once they reach Q3
- Continue to provide Interest-free-loans of Gold to companies wishing to upgrade above Q2
- Privatize the Royal Canadian Navy so that private industry can begin selling off Q3 weapons.
- Place a Q4 hospital in Quebec
- Hike Tarrifs to 99% ASAP.
- Continue to invest in the Monetary Market in hopes of expanding the treasury to 3000 Gold by Sept 1st
- Purchase large quantities of foreign currency for use in times of war.
- Investigate possibility of merging PANAM with the M.A.