The Leinport Regime Has Been Deposed

Day 1,226, 16:09 Published in Canada Canada by ArtyP

Janos Leinport can longer claim the DAL to be Dead, what position is he in to do so now that he’s been impeached?

After handing over 5000CAD to be used for the Charity plan, now former Charity Director TemujinBC and his accomplice, Janos Leinport have been found guilty, with proof, of using those funds for bribery. For the past few days they had Mass PMed the entire party asking them to leave and offering 30 Q1 food if they did.

Funny thing is, just a week and half ago Janos claimed the DAL to be “REBORN” yet just a few days later concluded the death of the DAL. It’s pitiful to watch someone not able to control their own PTO. And of course, with Janos Leinport’s congress failure he blamed it on Dominik and Scorpius, when neither of them were the PP or VP at the time.

Most likely, that 5000CAD that was supposed to be used for charity is all gone. And Mr.Lamedock’s and Temujin’s plan to bring DAL to 6th place has failed. Sorry guys you’re not getting another 5000CAD.

It’s time to move on without Janos Leinport as PP, so on the official, and not dead (yet) forums of the Democratic Action League, we have hosted a poll for the Impeachment of Janos Leinport as PP for all things but in-game. And with a vote of 9 – 1 the impeachment has passed. Janos Leinport has given up on the party, declared it dead and acted against the interests of the party. He has been removed of his position of authority.

We now publicly call upon Mr. Leinport to handover all DAL assets which he has access to and respect the decision made by the party on the Country President poll. We expect him to endorse the candidate who wins at the end of our poll. Failure to comply will force us to take more threatening measures.


Artorius Perim