The Legacy of Yamato Suzuki

Day 163, 03:09 Published in Japan Japan by Yamato Suzuki

And so ends my time in office.
It's been great working with everyone and it's fantastic what we've manged to accomplish during this time.
We've successfully led an invasion on South Korea, conquered most of its regions and we've been able to recover Japan from a food crisis.
The presidency has been a lot of fun, but there’s a lot of other stuff I want to do in real life, and I won't have the time to be president soon enough.
I was thinking of leaving Japan after my presidency, but I think I'll stay here and see how things work out.
I might run for president again sometime in the future, but until then I won't be as active as I used to be.

And finally, my one single tip for the next president is;
Talk to everyone.

~ Yamato Suzuki
Second Japanese President of the New World