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Day 1,147, 11:01 Published in USA USA by John Largo

I got 2 messages from the Admin today, and I thought I would share their message with all of my constituents (I am in congress).

Dear Congress Member,

In order to improve the quality of life for the normal citizen, the VAT and Income Tax will have a maximum value of 25%. This measure will be taken on Day 1050 of the New World. Note that the Export Tax will remain the same.

My Comment: I assume they meant day 1150. 😛 Also I don't see this altering anything in the eUS. I guess it would prevent someone who PTO'd a country from raping the people too badly.

Dear Manager,

In order to improve your game experience, starting with Day 1050, we will give you the opportunity to work, once per day, for all the companies that you own on your citizen account.

My Comment: Again I am assuming they meant Day 1150. This change will be big. The first thing I did was buy 3 companies on the open market, so I could benefit from this change. I worry that if everyone does the same, then it will be very difficult to find workers for my companies. Also if everyone floods the market with products, prices will crash, and wages will follow. It will be very hard to sell products at a profit until the market settles a little.

That said, I have 3 companies to fill with workers. I have offers on the market, but you can PM me and I will negotiate your salary if you will work with high wellness every day. I will a pay a small premium to market wages to avoid hiring the Mexican Revolutionaries who take jobs and then proceed to work at low wellness. Man, those guys are annoying.

Please comment on your opinion of these changes and remember to Vote and Sub my paper.