The Last One.... Before The Last ONE!!!

Day 1,768, 10:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Meklon Dramicus

So, we're up to the penultimate article I'll be posting before the new congress elections take place...

We must make it to the next one!!!!

...and, strangely I'm quite excited (rea😛 rocking back and forth in my chair more than usual, wearing a cowboy hat and pretending to smoke a bottle of antiseptic) to see how things go.

Anyhow, so the entire format for the congressional elections has changed to a Party based one and, from what I understand, the UKPP are looking to try and hog tie me while submerging me into a 10 foot deep steel bath tub filled with a toxic mix of tequilla and vodka...

Alternatively, then can give me a weeks supply of the contents of that bath and I'd certainly be just as happy!!!

...and who could blame them?

You want someone you can relate, someone who you can look at and think "Well, sh*t, that man/woman there is someone who'll take up my issues and run with them - preferably holding onto them into the halls of parliament with a megaphone in their other hand while wearing a fez, just because they will be heard one way or the other.

The pic. that was going to go here was just too awesome for anyone to take in and so had to be replaced with this puppy!

Because Fez's are cool!!

Well, that about sums up my rambling for the moment - I know I promised something cool / epic today but, to be honest, I'm knackered from work and my brain cogs aren't working as much as I'd hoped (That and I'm eagerly awaiting a Borderlands 2 sesh tomorrow night \o/ (XBox live users, feel free to add me btw : U/N = Meklon)) so I will just have to leave the last srs bzns article for my pre-congress vote article which will come out at some point on Monday.

I'd just like to say thanks to all the voters / subscribers so far, you're all making this more enjoyable for me... and I'd also like to give out much love to the Royal Navy and the UKPP as a whole for having me... and a shoutout to all the citizens in the eUK for being brilliant... yes, you're all just f***ing BRILLIANT!!!!

... apart from her \/