The Last Comix

Day 1,155, 13:54 Published in USA Switzerland by Swiss Ministry of Awesomeness


Dear readers... (if there is really anybody who still reads this newspaper). When I created this newspaper, oh so long ago, I had one intention in min😛 to find a way to waste 5 gold.

Over the many articles I've written with this org since then, some of been successful, some have been funny, and the majority have been neither. But every time I look back they bring back memories of when I first started this game.

Today I learned that the Swiss government was considering putting the Ministry of Awesomeness on the official list of organizations that will be saved from the ORGpocalypse.

The little ball named Switzerland is too famous just to die. I beg whoever is in charge of this operation, remember that if you send the MoA down to the depths, you are murdering babies.

Thank you for you time. I love you all.