The Kingdom of Judah Kibbutz

Day 677, 11:57 Published in Israel Israel by Charles Nimitz

I was talking to some friends from eUSA.

We were discussing the success of the eUSA's commune.It got me thinking about setting up a kibbutz(commune) in eIsrael.

The kibbutz would have two companies. A grain, and food company. (Let me just say I have enough gold to create one of them.)

Here's the idea:We create two companies, and open up jobs for players. These jobs will be for minimum wage. read right....minimum wage.

With the food we produce, we can distribute food to every employee. The fruits of their labor have become edible

The money after selling the remainder of the food will be used for wages,buying grain, and taxes. The surplus money will be given to the government.

It would take 40 gold to start a company, and then buy an export license, unless we can find a company, in which case, the cost will only be 20 gold.

Keep in mind I'm no Franz Kafka, but i think that if done properly, this could be beneficial to our country, and our government.

I will be creating an organization if there is enough support for this idea, and donations can be donated to this org.