The July elections - an enlightening update

Day 590, 07:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur

Dear Irish citizens,

As you all may have already noticed, Severin has announced me as the Irish Union Party candidate for the July Presidential elections.

In his article he informed you that we of the IUP will not be launching a campaign. We came up with this after Severin contacted me if I was willing to represent us once again, whereas I agreed to do so. However, with our dear Party President being unable to use internet for such a substantial period of time, I told him that it is impossible for me to stand behind and mount a full and worthy campaign towards the elections with such short notice. Because of this, you will see no elaborate article about me outlining policies and other relevant stuff. I know that to many this might look like we are trying to win this on ‘merit’ alone, but let me assure you, that is not the case. I, for one, am not the kind of person to ride along on previous successes as you can derive from earlier manifesto’s that I posted.

The real reason behind this is that I normally was not even going to stand for the July elections to offer a chance at another candidate, but seeing as there is not any real competition on the ballot page, the IUP management decided that the people deserved another democratic option to vote for if they couldn’t find themselves in the views of the ones already on the ballot, ergo, I was proposed to run again. Now that you know why there will be no ‘real’ manifesto released on my part, you can also think back about things already accomplished in the past terms and what my general policies, motivations and viewpoints are. A recent interview can be found in the Celtic Chronicle by Lord Rhindon. If you feel that you can identify yourself with the approaches that I have taken than feel free to vote for me once more, I will again not let you down and serve Ireland to the best of my abilities.


President of Ireland