The jolly old codger!

Day 1,095, 06:33 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur

Dear fellow Irish,

today I'll be celebrating my 1000th day as an eRepublikan and a proud eIrish! (try and say this with the voice and pace of Bilbo....)

In my time in eRepublik I've met tons and tons of different kinds of people, all with a voice of their own. Socialising with all these people is one of the most important reasons for me as to why I'm still playing this game. Granted, it has it's ups and downs (more downs but hey...) but I feel that the people who play it more then make up for the problems this game has.

I believe that, if we want this game to continue and for it to retain it's player base, we should look into more possibilities concerning the online community aspect. It's great to play like a country, but a country consists out of more then 1 person. Getting to know one another is one of the cornerstones of human interaction and it should be further 'exploited', something our admins aren't really focussing on. However I believe that after rain always comes sunshine, so I'm not going to give up yet, not for the near future anyhow.

I enjoy visiting our IRC, where you can pretty much always have a laugh, be it for something good or bad, there's always action in there. Over the years I've actually made some new friends, for which I thank eRepublik. It proves that it's not all bad! Also, seeing how the real world never stops turning and real life problems affect the real players of this game too, it's been shown that there still is sympathy and compassion among the people. It's great that such a thing still exists and that it gets outed from time to time! Instead of focusing ourselves on what the admins do wrong and what the downsides of the game are, we should focus on what we DO have and what we CAN do. If we start looking at the glass as half full we might even realise, there's actually real people there with different characters and lifestyles. This game really can provide you with a heapload of experience, if you really want to get into it!

I've strayed a bit from the original intention now though. I wish myself a happy 1000th day and I hope I may live long and prosperous (hey..yeah..a man's got to have hope 😛). For those among you who don't like me, tough luck, I'm STILL not gone. For those that do like me, rejoice for I may be old, but I haven't withered yet. I hope I can still be of service to our magnificent Ireland and that my actions in the past haven't been in vein, nor are regarded as malicious.

For honor, for glory! For Ireland!

Oh and yes, there will be cake!

