The IUP has Surged

Day 231, 04:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

The Irish Union Party which had only about 10 members on election day have now surged to 28 ! These new members are in part due to a CN alliance coming to Ireland but mostly due to a recent flux of immigrants and new citizens with IUP and FF benifiting the most from it. Since the IUP was just formed it is still; very active and fresh and I am sure everyone will see our new muscles flexing in the local elections.

I am also eager to see the effects of the new members on FF since they have been steadily losing members for weeks now. Perhaps FF will reassert its position as the top opposition party or maybe IUP will continue to surge and beat out FF for the second spot.

The at the top of the Irish political structure is of course Ireland First. They recieved all the italian immigrants I believe which helped boost them but I am not sure of the activity rates but with 62 members they are still dominating. However, for the first time if you combine all of the opposition parties together their combined membership exceeds that of IF. With a possible coalition having 64 members agaisnt IF's 62. The coalition stalled last election because of lack of timebut the numbers demonstrate any coalition would very powerful