The Issue II

Day 1,962, 09:37 Published in Belgium Belgium by NicknameFromRonny

Hello eBelgians,

as you might have (or totally didn't) notice, I've gotten in congress for the third time in my political eRepcareer. I want to thank ATO for the trust they have me and their fundamental cornerstone, 'you will be heared' inspired me to this new series.

The series I'll be posting during this congress term (there will be more if it brings some interesting results) is based on a very simple idea. It will bring an issue. Not an issue but THE issue, in fact. I post the issue here, give some stats and facts and leave the comment section open for input. With the input given, a fine proposal might be worked out. Or not, of course. Either way, I hope to raise some well-thought reactions and bring together people with different ideas.

The First Issue

The first issue concerned our current tax system. I would like to thank those who contributed to the discussion and dare that say that input is still welcome, you'll find the article with a clicky over here.

My view so far

I haven't quite made up my mind yet, should go over some related articles and stuff about it but one thing that stood forward for me is that we should have the guts to 'experiment' with it. The non-protective idea by Alex is just one idea, I'm open for other constructs but it seems that it's unclear to us what would be the exact effects of a change. A coordinated 'experiment', with attention to ALL the consequences (the consequences to the young one, to the adult player, to the economic big guy, to the treasury, ...) in its evaluation should certainly be put forward.

The Second Issue


My choice for the second issue was based upon a personal realisation whilst seeing the debate for the Mexico MPP. Someone noted that of the 130ish active eBelgians, counting the ones who don't fight a lot and those who live abroad, only a limited number of people get profit from those MPPs, which cost us quite a lot.

So, our amount of MPPs is... the issue.


Currently, we have four MPPs. This is about the average amount during the last months (corrections if wrong are welcome).
Each MPP costs us 10.000 CC (country currency).


As noted before, they seem to be usefull only till a limited amount. With our current tax income, 10K isn't a little price to pay.
On the other hand, it is useful to have more MPPs, as they enable to have battles 24/24. Additionaly, you can never be sure that an MPP made at day X will still provide battles at day X+26. Sometimes, peace breaks out and another MPP is needed in order to provide a battle.

This question could be enlarged as well. What should be the motivations behind an MPP? Surety of battles? Political motives?

So, what do you think? What values should we purchase when deciding on MPPs? Do we need more of them, to encourage battling? Do we need less of them, in order to save some money (possibly to spend on different things)? Is everything just fine as it is, and is this a useless article? Please share your opinion below.