The Irony of it All...[EN]

Day 837, 22:09 Published in South Africa Romania by Lutan Fyah

Sitting in eSouth Africa, waiting for the last regions to fall, this kinda feels like it has happened before. Probably because it has. Of course, the main and most important difference is that last time, it was a fair game that we lost, whereas this time it’s a bit more complicated. So what happened?

A series of unfortunate events(which someone p skillful with words managed to make look like a well-thought-out plan), kudos for that piece of propaganda, bro. You should definitely go pro.

The irony of what’s happening stems from the boisterous attitude displayed by eS.A a few days ago, people generally being happy and proud of being part of a group, pulling off something great. Felt good. The fall came sooner than anticipated and I have a few people I want to thank:

Exilious/Stephen/w/enameurusing: For showing the eWorld how you can really win a battle against a community of 150 active players (EPIC WIN, just EPIC). You making it look like it was such a great and meaningful victory really made me chuckle. The fact that you ended up using key-loggers and failing at it added to the epic-ness of your win.

Ronell/Roneli/Wolf_Girl/DragonFury(I think that covers all the times you got banned for multies): For being the right muppet at the right time. Cheers! You’re as much of an epic fail here as you are in the other eRep-look-alike game you’ve been so busy with.

People who’ve been raging about this: For this. Lurbv you guys and you’re passion, but you’re kinda doing it wrong.

People who’ve kept a cool head and have been looking for solutions: For this. You’re doing it right.

Admins: Thanks. You guys are the most professional bunch I’ve seen.

While you’re at it, could you please sign this petition: