The Irish Union Party: Local Election Manifesto

Day 301, 16:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow
The Irish Union Party

Local Election Manifesto

The Irish Union party one and only aim is to make eIreland a better place. We are a group of players, both new and old, who believe that we can make a difference to eIreland. From the near legends of Patton and Inquitus to the up and coming stars of eIrish politics like Shadowking and Charels McCoy, we are all committed to make eIreland a better place.

Here is what your Irish Union Party Candidate will do for you as mayor of your region.

1)Activity: All Irish Union Party mayors will play an active role in their region. Gone will be the days when you will not know you rlocal mayor. An Irish Union Party Mayor will be involved in every facet of your region. He will help out new players, listen to what you have to say and most importantly, have the dedication to carry out the public\\\'s will.

2)Experience combined with new ideas and new faces: The Irish Union Party has candidates that have been around from near the dawn of eIreland. As a party we know how the game works and we know what needs to be done. This experienced is coupled with the fresh new ideas and innovation of our newer members. Our newer candidates have been able to learn from the best mentors in the I.U.P and exude enthusiasm and fresh ideas. These new faces promise to bring a breath of fresh air to eIrish politics. Our local election candidate illustrate this union of different players in our picks for our local candidates. Half of our candidates are incredibly experienced and have served out previous mandates as mayors while the other half are relatively new and bring with them the new ideas and originality of a new perspective

3)Quality :Unlike some other parties, where their best politicians are too fazed of life in eIreland and feel too important to become simply mayors! The Irish Union Party has put its best and most capable politicians for the Local Elections. If you do not want to settle for second rate candidates, then your vote should be with the Irish Union Party.

:4)Public Interest:The Irish Union Party have the interest of the people at heart. Our mayors will put in place a wellness initiative scheme with the aim of increasing and maintaining the wellness of active citizens at 80. This will be done by the giving of gifts to any employees with high attendance whose wellness is below this figure. A few gift companies are owned by Irish Union Party members so this initiative is a realisable one.

5)Cooperation:Believing that eIreland\\\'s strength is in our unity, the Irish Union Party has a policy of working with members of other parties to help eIreland. Our mayors will be open to ideas from other party members and we feel that by working together we can do a lot better for our country.

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Our Candidates:
Galway-Charels McCoy
Cork-Wes Tanner*

*These candidates have previously served mandates as mayor of their region.
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A political announcement from the Irish Union Party

Igor Thunderbrow
Party President

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Now to evoke some nationalistic pride
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