The Irish Union Party: General Elections

Day 309, 15:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Dhaoine na hÉireann,

The General Elections are taking place in a week. The government that you elect will be eIreland's first in V1. V1 will throw up many new challenges and difficulties but also many more opportunities. It is therefore of paramount importance that we are governed by a government that is capable of meeting these challenges head on and making the most of these new opportunities. I believe that the Irish Union Party, under my leadership are the best option.

The Irish Union Party is committed to making eIreland a better place. We are not in this for political or financial gain, we simply want to do our best for this country. We have promoted inter-party relations since I became leader. I am in regular contact with all other party leaders and many members of these parties. The Irish Union Party is willing to cooperate with other parties to do the best for eIreland and I think that our openess of discussion with the other parties is evidence of this. We believe that eIreland needs unity and that through this unity we can really drive our proud nation forward.

Our mayors Wes Tanner and Inquitus are two of eIreland's best mayors and most active in benefiting their regions. As I write this Inquitus has just announced the relaunching of the Dublin Wellness ( in cooperation with ImaNewbie. Once again we see the Irish Union Party at the fore doing what is best for eIreland.

Our parties beliefs are here:
and on the wiki:

Now I have hopefully convinced you to vote for the Irish Union Party for Congress *wink*. So why should you vote for me as president?

Well; first of all my philosophy is summed up very well by the famous saying or Confucus "To see the right and not do it is cowardice."

I will always do what I feel is the right thing to do for eIreland. Whatever the impact of that action positively or negatively on me politically economically, I will not allow any good deed to go undone for this country.

When Victor and Ireland Reborn seized control of the country, I was one of his more vocal opponents. I was offered 100GOLD to leave the country by them!!

When Romania invaded Hungary without provocation or justification I could not stand by and allow this wrong to be done and join in with the others in licking up to ATLANTIS, even though they were in the wrong. Instead I went over to Gyor and did what little I could to help defend our Hungarian brothers.

When eIreland was under the death throes of a food crisis caused by Victor and his ridiculous economics, I set up Eirecorp Food and did what I could to provide affordable food to the eIrish populace. I did this and believe that I helped considerably, especially considering that Eirecorp is now eIreland's biggest Q1 food supplier. I have also always been very good to my employees, if you do not believe me ask them. I will not exploit anybody for personal gain and I believe that my company has been a success not just for me but for my employees and anyone who buys Q1 food in eIreland.

Under my leadership the Irish Union Party has grown for just over 60 members to over 80. I built the new forums and in the Local Elections we doubled our mayoral count and narrowly missed out on another seat. In this election we actually received more votes than any other party!!

I believe that I have shown leadership in the running of both of these organisations and I have shown initiative in putting forward issues neglected by the other parties. I proposed that we remain outside alliance control and I criticised attempts to hurt Victor by further crippling the economy.

I believe that I would be a worthy president and I promise that if elected I will give it my all. I will keep in regular contact with the citizens. I will keep up my talks with other party leaders, I will be help anyone who approaches me and above all I will not shy away from doing what is best for eIreland.

Vote Irish Union Party and Igor Thunderbrow in the General Election.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh as bhur éisteacht,
Igor Thunderbrow

If anyone has any questions or needs any help please drop me a message or send me an email