The Irish Report - September 9th

Day 294, 12:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by Theus Jackus

ImANewbie announces he will not run for party elections

At 10:04 yesterday, President Of Ireland and Leader of The Ireland First party, ImANewbie, officially announced that he would not be running for the party elections. ImANewbie, who is currently serving his 4th mandate as President, announced this in his newspaper. He said that some people already knew this, possibly referring to party members.

This Announcement comes just two days before the party elections were set to begin, and comes as a shock to eIreland. When asked why he was not standing for re-election, he declined to comment. Likely successors to ImANewbie are SheepyAir, Brian Boru, Quartermass and Ciaran CheXavier.

Whether or not that this announcement will affect the General Elections is uncertain, with most major parties not commenting on it.



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Fauchon: N/A * FRE N/A
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Ireland's Food Company: 2.02 *** IRL +0.00
ISG Rezdora’s Deli: 0.30 * IRL N/A
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Pure Food 0.51 **
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Viking Chow: 0.90 ** IRL N/A


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Golden Gifts: 8.01 *** IRL N/A
Unique Gifts: 3.03 * IRL –2.02


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ISG Coach Tours: 22.00 * IRL N/A
PattonAir: 22.22 * IRL –3.03


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Julia Perez Weapons: 23.23 ** IRL +0.00
King's Bazookas: N/A *** IRL N/A
M.I.S Metralletas: 181.20 **** ESP +0.00


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eHousing: 190.89 * IRL +0.00
Ponte S.P.A: 256.70 * USA +0.00IRL +0.00


Party Election coverage

Ireland First: The announcement of ImANewbie not standing for re-election came as a shock and left the position of Leader open to anyone. Although SheepyAir, Quartermass or Brian Boru are the most likely candidates to take the Leadership, there are several other smaller candidates who might take this position

Ireland Reborn: Emillian has not announced whether he will run for party elections are not and Mayor Ionutzsteaua and Former President of Ireland Victor Petrescu look like the most likely candidates. If Victor Petrescu takes the position, it would be unlikely that Ireland Reborn would win the General Election after his Controversial Presidency.

Irish Union Party: Patton is standing for re-election and looks like the most likely winner, but will face the most competiton from Congresswoman Agathon. Other likely candidates include Igor Thunderbrow, Elwyn, Charles McCoy and Josiah Roberts.

Fianna Fáil: The hacking of the party’s main page probably wont affect the party election, with almost certain re-election assured for PENcap. The only other main candidates is pistolasmile.

Irish Freedom Party: 5n4keeys is almost assured re-election with no other big threats in the party election.