The Irish Media; A Helping Hand

Day 993, 11:51 Published in Ireland USA by rivere123

First, allow me to introduce myself, rivere123. I am an immigrant from America in Ireland that has written articles in this great land before. My account is a little over a year old, celebrating its birthday August 6th in Ireland.

The Irish Media
The Irish media is just getting by compared to many medias- in a small country like Ireland, our best writers have only a little over 200 subscribers, and 100 votes would be a milestone for anyone.

Introducing the Irish Media Mogul Project!
Yes, a media mogul project. This would be the solution to a problem in Ireland, having a working media would be good, and MM projects are the start of these. The Irish Media is growing well- more votes are needed to get into the top five, but a Media Mogul Project would get things to progress faster, and make Irish Media more aggressive. Although a powerful media is a luxury for most nations, it would be a great area to work in for the average citizen.

What do we Plan on Accomplishing?
I plan on helping each writer at least 20 new subs by the end of the project, and organizing a Writers' Guild if the project is successful enough. I don't expect giving anyone an actual media mogul medal before the Writers' Guild (if it comes to be), but I expect we will see a lot of help given to Irish Writers.

Can I join?
Anyone with Irish citizenship can join, just PM me or comment here! I ask that everyone interested in joining sub to my paper, and vote if you can so that we can make sure the Project's Updates reach the top five.

How will this work?
To advertise you paper, I will feature a writer a week. Each Writer will be asked to feature the writer weekly in whatever format they choose, with a link to their profile, preferably at the bottom of their newspaper to not clutter the article. A letter will sent around by myself about the writer of the week.
This is not a government run project.