The Invasion And Its Cause

Day 1,529, 16:25 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

Well we are still getting hammered in a terrible three way invasion.

Our city's are burning our men are being killed and our economy is suffering
we have all fought hard and lost much we have been driven to poverty and lost much

but what is the cause?? Who started it all?? Why are we fighting and dying??

The aftermath of heavy fighting
in Southern England

There are three possibility's:

1. TEDEN are pissed that we switched sides and want revenge
8.5/10 (Very likely)

2. Thomas among other things screwed up national relations and dug the hole his replacement has continued to dig
5/10 (Possible)

3. TEDEN have been planing to bring hell to ONE nations for a while and we have just got in the way
7/10 (Likely)

1 and 3 are the most likely cause but the poor govermentation we have had has probably played a part as a small nation we rely largely on diplomacy to avoid conflicts like this and well there hasn't been much of that lately has there?