The introduction of the Government

Day 654, 08:16 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Media en Recrui

The new government started last sunday with their job. Because this government has a lot of new faces and we also have a lot of new players, i thought it would be a good idea to let the ministers and the president make a little introduction of themselfs.

Unfortunately some ministers were not able to make a little introduction. Some ministers did reply my question with an introduction so i will post their introductions.

Smook McSmok, minister of Foreign Affairs (LSD)

I'm the current Minister of Foreign Affairs. I'm a left citizen in eUNL and so member of LSD, creator of the former far-left DTS wich furtunaly failed because of a low recruitment of citizens.

Now I'm running for LSD with pleassure, which gave me this post in governement. I've been for a long time in the eWorld but it's my first minister-post for eUNL (I already got one in eCanada and eGreece).
My most experience lays in Foreign Affairs, so I'm happy to follow the former inactive minister and hel the eUNL to create better relations with foreign countries.
I already accomplished to get a new Chief Ambassador: Itrade. Together we already created three new embassies in eGermany, eFrance and eUK. I'll try to take a part in the PEACE policies.

I hope you support me.

Yours Sincerly,
Smook McSmok

Slivever, Prime Minister (BP)

I'm Slivever, belgian and french speaker.
I come to erepublik with the first french speaker wave (the Red's wave). We decide together to create a party, The BP who is onw the first party of Eunl.
I become president of BP in augustus and after our victory in election, Prime Minister.
Next month, i will just become a "clikers" for IRL reason. Perhaps a litle bit earlier, perhaps a litle bit after.
But before that, i'm proud and happy to help the eunl and all citizen of the union.

Egods bless eunl

Perro Guapo, minister of Finance (LSD)

Hi I'm Perro Guapo, the new minister of finance.
Born on day 574 of the new world. In the first few weeks I was only training, working and
adding friends. Then I discovered the irc and started talking with other players.
Later I joined the LSD and ran for congress. This is my second term as a congressmember.
Politcal I stand for unity, less rules and more fun.
As soon as possible I started fighting, which I enjoy very much.
Recently I joined the army (2nd Home Guard division) and I will soon become a colonel.
In my spare time I work as a coach and as manager of UNL Forts.
Perro Guapo

Apotygma, minister of the statecompanies &Goldmarket

I'm Apotygma, in real life my name is Mathias, 19 years old and sudent at the KULeuven. I'm currently studying Handelsingénieur (ingénieur en commerce).

I'm from Antwerp, so I'm Flemish, but I lived 12 years in France, near Paris. This implies that I'm perfectly bilingual (in fact 3 with english and Basic Spanish).

I'm playing eRepublik sins 3 weeks now. Before that I was what they call a hard core player on wolrd of warcraft, very intresting because leading a guild isn't always easy and requires some management skills.

Anyway, if you want to now more, just ask 😛

Deviltje, Minister of Media & health (I&W)


I am Deviltje, born on day 309. I have been in the government a lot of times, most as minister of Raws. I have 2 privatecompanies and i am also one of the Statemanagers. I have been in congress 8 times and i am the PartyPresident of I&W.
In RL i live in the Netherlands and I work in a Childs hospital.


ThomasRed, president

I'm ThomasRed, and i'm currently your President for the second time in a row.
Before to be President, i was Prime Minister, but only for 5 days...
I became active in politics with the birth of the Belgian Party, and i became two times a congressmember.
I also lead the party for one term.
On international field, i try to help our alliance, being active too.
I'm a member of the PEACE GC Media Mogul Program.
One of my best memory since my birth in the game, less than 4 months ago, is the union we showed to the eWorld during the RW's launched by eUSA in our country...
I'm glad to have been and to be part of the new direction our country took after the merge of the eBelgium and of the eNehterlands.
If you have any questions about me or my tasks as President of the United Netherlands, feel free to ask them by sending me a pm ! 😉 Like already did the Famous Potier...
Have a nice day...

Frerk, Minister of Defence (LSD)


I'm Frerk and I'm the Minister of Defence.
I've always been active in politics, for 5 months in I&W, and now in LSD.
Even though the most important thing is that I'm the Holy God of Frerkism.
Frerk, harvesting your souls for the greater good!(like the army, got it?)

Signed, Frerk

CEO Trainee, Minister of Home Affairs

Hello everyone. Some might know me, some might not. I am CEO Trainee. A citizen with not too much of experience, however i am somebody who did a fair time at reading all the info you need to know how to play the game.

I am your new minister of Home affairs. I will try to do my best to support our new babyboom people and help them to find their way to this forum. Hopefully they will come in masses and enlight us with their knowledge.

My goals for the moment are the following.

- Give new persons their bonus
- Bring new citizens to the forum
- Let home affairs run smoothly

These are the general goals. When a new project begins i will publish it either through the weekly news or a dedicated newsarticle! Hopefully we will have a good month!

CEO Trainee

Next week we will introduce the state managers.

Minister of Media &Health