the Interview

Day 1,444, 03:11 Published in India Turkey by Lady Killer

Well yeah this is my first article under MOMC
since no one thought of interviewing the president candidates I thought of doing it myself..

1) why do u want to be the president ?
Alector- am challenging for the presidency because I have observed the workings of eIndia, and realised that it desperately needs reform, particularly in terms of the army and congress activity. The only thing I can be sure those problems are solved will be to address them myself. Another president may be capable of doing what I plan to do as well, but there will always be that niggle of doubt - have we done everything we need to do?
DonMogul- Out of all the nations in eRepublik that I have claimed citizenship, India is the first nation I feel at home.

We have a great nation filled with great people. I love our beautiful India!

I have been in this game for a long time. I have seen a lot and gained a lot of experience. I believe that I am the best man for the job. Not putting my name up for election would be a disservice to the country that has done so much for me. Its time I repay my debt.

2) what do you think are your chances of winning?
Alector- I feel that this is going to be a close race. DonMogul might have the backing of IU, but with a strong campaign, such a difference in support can be overcome. People 'in the know' about the politics of eIndia also tend to vote for the guy they want to be president, regardless of party. So I think I have a good chance, though Don Mogul might just clinch it.

DonMogul- I am confident but it's up to the People on election day.

3) what changes would you like to bring in India?
Alector- he changes are in my manifesto in full, here:
However, the main focus of my term will be improvement of relations with EDEN and the finalising of trial membership, encouraging congress/forum activity and the increased importance on the MoMC as a method to kick-start the media. Trust me, this game will become boring again once the elections pass,particularly with the end of war against Thailand, and I want to at least reduce that boredom. The MoMC is doing a brilliant job right now and I want that to continue.

DonMogul- Total military reform - while we did improve a little towards the end of our war with Thailand, our military performance is still far below the standard I know it can be.

Congress Activity - during my terms as Congressmen in recent months there have been polls posted in the forum requiring our votes. One vote in particular had 9 votes out of 40 congressmen. A disgrace.

I will be looking at ways and means of bringing the Congress to the forum and IRC.

Social Activity - there are times when our forum looks like one of those deserted towns in classic Western movies. As with the Congress I will be looking at ways and means of bringing the Congress to the forum and IRC.

4) your thoughts about India joining EDEN?
Alector- I am a firm supporter of eIndia joining EDEN. We already have superb relations with EDEN countries and back them in several wars. However, there is some doubt, particularly the fact that no help was forthcoming, as far as I know, for the Thailand war. During my term, I plan to investigate - what can we give EDEN, and what can EDEN give us?
DonMogul- I have been arguing for this since back when I was Sardar of the National Police Force. There are too many threats around us to risk NOT being in a strong alliance. Since our greatest friends have always been those nations belonging to EDEN why not formalise our friendship?

5) any new MPPs you have in mind?
Alector- I will only renew important MPPs, such as that with China. We only have so much money in the bank, and if we continue Prabal's policy on MPPs, there will be less money in reserve for emergencies. So my aim is to spend only what eIndia really needs to spend. Just because the money is there does not mean we should spend it.
DonMogul- I certainly have a few mind but that discussion is for myself and my future MoFA

6) you think you can achieve a babyboom which no other president has ever achieved?
Alector- Can I achieve a babyboom? To be honest, no. In my view, this babyboom is only possible if there is wide publicity about eRepublik in RL India. As far as I know, we don't have the resources to do that yet, and therefore must press on with progress instead of waiting for a babyboom that will probably not come in the immediate future. However, as outlined in my manifesto, I am enhancing the roles of the MoIA and MoMC, just in case there is a babyboom. However, this system is really focused on retaining any newbies who come along.
DonMogul- I shall definitely try. I have a few avenues open to me - I intend to exploit them. The only problem here is that it is relatively easy to get people to join the game - its harder to retain them.

7) Do you believe party politics should be encouraged in India?
Alector- Of course party politics should be allowed. It enriches the political atmosphere in eIndia. However, this should not apply to presidential elections in a small country, because the presidency will always default to the majority party's candidate. Rather, people should vote for their own preference as president, to ensure the progress of this country.
DonMogul- I encourage any form of healthy debate. The difficulty here for other parties is the sheer size of India United.

We have around 230 people signed up for party membership amongst our parties. 130 of which are IU's own members.

Perhaps with this babyboom I aim to achieve we will see the numbers even out and a greater opportunity for those with different views to place them on the table.

😎 your thoughts on your opponent for these elections?
Alector- DonMogul is a worthy opponent and has presented a strong manifesto. I look forward to those elections
DonMogul- I have great respect for Alector. There won't be any shame in losing to this man if he wins.

I believe that we are both putting each other in our repective cabinets. Neither of us are concerned about inter-party bickering. DonMogul and Alector are focused on getting the job done - and get it done right.

9) will India be in a state of War during your term?
Alector- India will not be in a state of war during my term - focus will instead be on reforming the military. We all saw how disastrous the Thailand war was, despite it being for fun. However, this position may change - that will depend on events, relations and the world order at that time
DonMogul- I won't be picking any fights before our military is in shape. I'll be contacting our friends asking for NE and a training war (for our soldiers to practice).

Of course if a fight comes to India. We will stand. We will fight. We will win - or get wiped trying.

10) Your lucky mascot?
Alector- My lucky mascot? Heh, I dunno. Maybe one of my pet cats. :/

DonMogul- The only one any Indian needs:

I guess this interview must have cleared your doubts for voting this elections since I m not standing 😃

Jai Hind
Jai Yuuva