The Internal Feuds Never Stop

Day 652, 08:20 Published in South Africa South Africa by Azreal
Goodbye to President Schumacher

As most of you probably know Ines Schumacher isn't running for another term. This is a sad reality but one that can be understood perfectly. She has had an awesome run and has done an insane amount for this country since she became the leader of SAIL and started trying everything to get our good country its freedom back. I salute you Ines Schumacher for being an AWESOME president and setting forward an amazing example to all eSouth Africans!

Upcoming Presidential Elections

Ok well without Ines Schumacher running we have 2 candidates now being:

Steven Bosch Supported by United South Africa , South African Gold Party , United African Socialists and South African Foreigners Party

maxpayne50 Supported by African National Alliance (Formally CDA)

Please choose carefully who you vote for as this candidate will be the new head of our country and at times of rebuilding like this we have to be certain that we have a proper President.

Platoon Update

Ok as it stands now a lot of people in the platoon has been deemed inactive and unable to take part of the First Platoon of the Pretorian Guard. This is unfortunate but not surprising. The Platoon Roster Currently stands like this:

Lieutenant: Azreal
Sergeant: Lazer Fazer
Quartermasters: Erdwurm & Frank Furglar
Danian Marzo
Dorac Reaper
Ryan Fisher
Petrus Afrikanus
Akmoc Mandela
Akmoc Elandian

We are 4 men short and they will be filled in with time and I will bring up another roster with them on it in due time 🙂

Battle Orders

Your orders are to STAY in Limpopo and take part in the wargames with weapons you for now have to supply yourself until further notice. PLEASE subscribe to the Ministry of Informations paper to stay filled in about the war games and when they are taking place as this paper will let you know on the day each time when they will take place 🙂

Freedom to All

Lieutenant Azreal, 1st Platoon of the Pretorian Guard