Day 1,517, 05:27 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by zafthfirst

hello are y'all?

i've been thinking about this idea lately..tell me what do you think?

lets get to the point..

Pakistan's late president Umer Liaquat once said to me

Do you know what's the most difficult part of a babyboom zaf?
"Retention of Newbies"
All of us have seen newbies coming in the game and asking all type of childish questions(i did that too).
Its not because most of them are dumb(some really are),
The reason is only one, "they don't know what the hell is going on" .

Many people presented ideas to guide them and i've seen people honestly working hard for them But all of this was too time consuming..

So here's my idea..

ePakistan's FAQ

This will be an article published by me,i will update it or write new ones from time to time.
This article will Answer all the basic questions of a newbie regarding the game mechanics and also about pakistan's situation.
Links of All the necessary Tutorials can be included in the article.
..and we'll get the perfect GUIDELINE for a newbie.
so whenever a newbie comes around, u can refer him to this article,also presidents can include this in their msg to newbies..

As i don't think i'm experienced enough to answer all of these questions perfectly,i'll keep in touch with the senior guys and and get the answers from the specialists...

I'm open to all sugestions,senior guys can send me questions that newbies generally ask and newbies can send the questions that they want to be answered..

So what do you think?