The iNCi Brotherhood!

Day 1,453, 07:43 Published in Romania Cyprus by L30n4rdo

Hello, eWorld.

I would like to present you the coolest & best group ever joined in Erepublik. The Legion of INCI. Relax and enjoy:

1. EDENINCI (theese are the tough guys of iNCi. Better not to f@ck with them)

2. DISKO (Owls need amusement and Disko offers it. Be free to dance like an owl 😉 )

3. OWLS USA (the American owls, always ready for fight!)

4. OWLS CYPRUS (the first iNCi Milary Unit in Cyprus but Disko always f@cks them xD )

5. DARKSIDE INCI (Darkside was a controversial party/amry in the beggining but now they are equal and part of the iNCi community)

6. INCI INTERNATIONAL FORCES (This Unit was established by Rejep. Many believed it would become the strongest MU but didnt get much power. Our Brazillian friends are included here too xD)

7. JUNIOROWLS aka VENI VIDI INCI (The new generation of Inci is here. Theese are some of the most active newcomers in the game. baby owls)

8. INCI MAFIA (important personalities of Inci. They have big influence on the community and everybody trust their word and they are accpepted by everyone 07 )

9. FRIENDS OF INCI (famous and strong friends of the iNCi Brotherhood. o7 dudes)


i am really sorry that i have forgotten some guys. Inci is a huge legion and i cant include everybody :/

cCc in ci we trust cCc