The imminent threat eIndonesia poses and how the eUS really showed them[RO/EN]

Day 800, 17:11 Published in Romania Romania by Lutan Fyah


Titlul nu suna la fel de fain in romana, asa ca nu il mai traduc.

In urma razboiului mediatic intre scumpii nostri prieteni eMerican(halitori de burgeri si cum vreti voi sa le mai spuneti) justificarea pentru lipsa ajutorului din ultimele zile a venit: Impingerea Indoneziei inapoi in teritoriile originale, uciderea balaurului cu haptespemii de capete si distrugerea economiei Indoneziene. Problema adevarata apare aici:

-Indonezia nu mai conteaza de cateva luni bune

-Capetele balaurului erau reduse la un cap de pod spre fierataniile de nivel inalt din Peru (care cap de pod era imposibil de fructificat datorita faptului ca Indonezia da sub 1milion damage/batalie)

-Economiei Indoneziene i s-a spus pa-pa! in momentul in care au facut swap cu Argentina si le’au oferit Western Cape(care era intradevar o fortareata, reprezenta locul unde isi aveau ei principalii extractori de diamante).

-In acelasi timp, daca ne uitam pe statisticile din batalia asta, observam mirobolantul damage dat de Sud-Africani: 100k. Din experienta proprie si personala pot sa va spun ca populatia active din aceasta tara nu depaseste 200 de jucatori(foarte multi dintre ei fiind oricum straini).

Si concluziile mele subiective:

eMericanii argumenteaza ca nu avea rost sa ajute la pastrarea unei regiuni care ar fi fost pierduta pana la urma(fiind atacata din 2 in 2 zile). Au perfecta dreptate, dar si Indonezia ar putea ataca Northern Cape in primul moment in care eMericanii au probleme mai importante decat Africa(adica oricand) si sa ia inapoi. Africa de sud pur si simplu nu are populatia necesara pt a fi un obiectiv viabil. Si 2-clickerii americani nu vor fi intotdeauna acolo ca sa-I scoata din ghearele Indoneziei/Braziliei/Argentinei(si ziceau ca noi am avut obiective irealizabile).

Indonezia a murit de mult, si a renuntat total la statutul de imperiu in momentul in care a cedat Western Cape, in nici un caz in urma bataliei din Northern Cape. Dar eMericanii au dreptate, noi suntem aia care jucam cu inima mai mult decat jucam cu capul🙂.

America are unitati militare mobile bine pregatite. Argumentul nu putem fi mereu peste tot sta in picioare in masura in care ar fi stat in picioare pt noi daca nu mutam armata in Hello-Kitty cand a fost cazul.


Following the flame-wars between our dear eMerican friends (burger guzzlers or whatever eRomanians are calling you guys these days) and our just as dear loud-mouthed silent-brained(not all of them ,mind you) eRomanians, the justification for the utter lack of allied help received in the past few days(I could say weeks, but I won’t) finally came: Pushing Indonesia back to it’s original territories, killing the lots-of-headed dragon and the destruction of the Indonesian economy. The true problem surfaces:

-Indonesia hasn’t mattered (internationally) for a few good months.

-The heads of the dragons were really reduced to one bridge-head to Peru’s high iron region (I should mention that the said bridge-head was impossible to utilize considering the fact that Indonesia deals under 1milion damage/battle)

-Indonesia waved buh-bye to it’s economy as soon as the swapped Western Cape to Argentina(Western Cape being an actual fortress region and the main diamond extraction region for them).

-Meanwhile, if you take a look at the statistics for this battle, you can notice the astonishing damage dealt by the South-Africans: 100k. From my own experience I can honestly tall you that this country’s active population isn’t over 200 players(most of them being foreigners anyway).

And my biased conclusions:

eMericans argue that it was pointless to help secure a region which would have been lost anyway(being attacked every other day). And they are perfectly right, but Indonesia could also attack Northern Cape the first moment when the eMericans have more important stuff to attend to than the safety of South Africa(which could be anytime really) and take it back. South Africa doesn’t have the population to be a viable objective and the American 2-clickers won’t always be there to get them out of the claws of Indonesia/Brazil/Argentina(talk about Role-playing as opposed to clear tactical thinking).

Indonesia is long dead and they gave up the status of superpower completely the moment they gave away Western Cape, eMerica didn’t kill them with the battle of NC, they were practically kicking a corpse(pardon the metaphor).

America has well-trained military corps. and there’s also a lot of them(523 soldiers moved to Northern Cape is a pretty good example-without counting the ones with non-American citizenships and the ones that didn’t make it to the battlefield). The “we can’t be everywhere all the time” argument would be relevant only if eRomania didn’t have one of the largest mobile forces in the eWorld and didn’t know what something like this implies.