The Immigration Control Commission

Day 910, 08:36 Published in Belgium Belgium by Thore Thoreson

With Belgium's checkered past of being a political battleground between the dominant alliances of the world (Phoenix and EDEN), our political landscape has degenerated into a shouting match of accusation and counter-accusation between the various factions in our government. Seeing that one of the largest sticking points was the granting of Citizenships to people of dubious backgrounds and suspicious motives, I decided that something had to be done to attempt to bring the importation of foriegn voters under control.

While not as strong as I would have liked, at least it is a start.
Here is the newest, and first (!), law to be brought onto the books of our Republic:

The Immigration Control Commission

Art 1. The President, or their designee, shall convene and administer a Commission dedicated to investigating and pre-approving Immigration requests.

Art 2. The Commission shall be comprised of no more than one member from each of the political parties eligible to nominate members for Congressional Office, as designated by the respective Party Presidents. A Party President has the option, at their own discretion, to not participate in said Commission. If a Party President does not respond to a request for a member candidate within a reasonable amount of time, to be determined by the President, or their designee, it will be assumed they have chosen not to participate.

Art 3. The Commission's recommendations shall be posted on a sub-forum of the Private Congress area of the National forum, to be acted upon by any Congress Member eligible to approve Immigration Requests.

Art 4. The Commission's recommendations are non-binding on any Congress Member, but disregarding such recommendation may severely impact a Congress Member's reputation amongst his or her peers and the Citizens of eBelgium, and as such, the respective Party Presidents are strongly encouraged to ensure Members of their Party follow such recommendations.

I invite all Belgian Citizens to watch and help ensure YOUR Congress Members do what is best and right. And to all you PHX and EDEN mobile voters out there: Get out and Stay out! We don't want you here!

Follow the Law.
Free our Country from the Tyranny of the PHX/EDEN conflict.