The I in EPIC - Charmander

Day 1,055, 22:32 Published in Canada Canada by Chamrajnagar

As an official co-founder of EPIC, you'd think I'd have more to say than this...oh well, enjoy nonetheless.

The values of equality and independence are ones I hold dear. I joined the CSD(the pre-cursor to EPIC) as soon as I was a high enough June of 2009. At the time, the CSD was massive and active. Young, small voices got lost in the crowd. Luckily for me, my voice was heard by Nosyt, and he helped forge my path. Because of him, I ran for Congress in the Hungarian PTO attempt of July 2009...and won.

Because of my independence, I never really participated in party politics. I stuck with the CSD because that's where a lot of my friends were. Fast-forward to February 2010. After my failed Presidential bid, Nosyt encourage me to enter party politics, and help him out while he was PP of the CSD. It was during this time that the idea was born. Nosyt and I had many talks, about what we disliked with the CSD, and parties in general. Much of my side dealt with why I never got involved in party politics in the first place...Nosyt laid the groundwork for formalizing the concepts of independence and equality, and we decided that rebranding was the logical step. I decided to champion this cause, and won the PP elections in April 2010.

About the same time, the CNC and CSD were considering a merge, to pool active members, as our ideologies were close. Luckily, the CNC was quite enthused about our plans for equality and independence, and agreed that we should rebrand ourselves. The two parties merged after party votes to ratify everything, and a nomination of names was set up. We had 44 submitted names, of which 4 were seconded (1 of which had two variations). A poll was opened up with 5 options, one of each of the 4 names changes, and staying CSD. The top 2 from the CSD, and the top 2 from the CNC were presented to the merged party, then voted on by all members. EPIC was the clear winner.

Finally, there was a party in eCanada that promoted the two values I esteem above all else: independence and equality!

What's so great about EPIC anyways?
If you've read other EPIC articles in today's media, you'll notice they have a common thread. Everyone in EPIC is treated as an equal. The game mechanics gives the PP extra powers, but essentially they run as a favour to other members, pledging to take extra responsibility that month. Being PP of EPIC is not much different from being a regular member, just like being the co-founder makes me little different than someone who joins today. All opinions are heard, and respected.

I love EPIC because it lets everyone in EPIC be their own person. Just because EPIC nominates a CP candidate, does not mean that we expect EPIC members to vote for them. Unfortunately, we can only nominate one person, otherwise EPIC would nominate everyone who stepped forward (or at least I would propose we would), letting the popular vote decide. You can take initiative and create your own projects, like Nosyt's food project. You can do whatever you want to do, and still be under the EPIC banner, as long as you're working to improve eCanada.

What unites the party then, if you're all so independent?
We're independent, and we respect each other's independence. We're a community of like-minded people, who actually become quite close. Some of my best friends in eRepublik I've met because of EPIC. We all enjoy the atmosphere of the party, and how it fosters new ideas, and new ways of looking at things. We all welcome challenging long as that person is also willing to entertain our views. Essentially, what unites us is our desire for equality and independence, within a like-minded community.

Why would anyone want to be in EPIC?
Well first of all, you probably wouldn't fit in with us if:
You always think your solution is the ONLY one worth doing
You believe that newer players have nothing to offer
You treat others with disrespect
You believe that everyone else should think exactly like you

Otherwise, we'd love to hear from you! Message any of the authors today, other members in the party, or our official org. Stop by our forums. Visit us on IRC (#EPICan on

Thanks for reading,