The History of Our country

Day 790, 03:04 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by Apotygma
The History of our proud country

Hello dear Belgians

For those who don’t know me : I’m Apotygma, a real life Belgian. I’m active in the game since a while now and I’ve always fought in order to defend and serve my home country the best I could. First in the merger with the eUNL as part of the Belgian Party. 2 time congressman and minister of State companies. It’s with deep sadness that I’m watching our country being takenover once again by enemy forces.

A lot of you, enemies and friends, don’t know the history of our country and the links that unite us with the eUK and eNetherlands. A lot of you are reading stories about hostile takeovers by eUK, and liberation from the eNetherlands. I’m going to try to give you hard historical facts to prove that you are wrong. Those two countries are our longest allies and friends, REAL friends. Friends that have always proven loyal and eager to fight at our side and help us through hard times.

Belgium-UK war 13 April 2008

The history of our country starts soon after the end of the Beta with a merger between the eUK and Belgium. Both countries agreed to merge in order to stand strong in a world where small countries had only bear chances of survival. The war was started by the Belgians in order to activate the eUK MPP’s, and soon the merger was a fact. Both countries helped each other develop, Belgium was an undeveloped and poor country at the time.

The merger was successful and both countries grew side by side for nearly a year. Several people tried during this time to “free” Belgium, this only succeeded in February 2009

The Brussels Rebellion

After several failed resistance wars in Brussels, one succeeded on the 21ste of February. A resistance war not led by Belgians, but by members from other countries like Spain (As you can see here, the Resistance Battle hero was a Spanish We don’t know exactly why, but Belgium became a free country, not under the ruling of some strangers. The times where harsh, but we where a free country.

The eUNL union

This Freedom appeared to be only a scam. Belgium wasn’t freed for a month, that already strangers came in and organized a PTO on the Belgian Congress. The PTO was led by a Spanish group named : “Imperial Troopers” that thanks to its members won the congressional elections. The freedom of Belgium already disappeared, it would only take some time before the President : CreveRoeland, a real Belgian, would be impeached. In reaction to this, a merger between eBelgium and eNetherlands was decided.

Both countries, united by solid bonds ingame and IRL united in a peaceful merger. Both worked together to make Belgium a better place, settling hospitals, companies, training members, organizing a babyboom. Tensions existed, but both where working for the best of this union. Belgium had never REALLY been free, and would never be without the eNetherlands. The merger was a choice and respected by allies from the first hour like the eUK.

Both countries where growing peacefully, but the threats of takeover became real again.

Flanders occupation

On October 22, 2009 a resistance war was started in the region of Flanders. The operation was carried out by the Romanian group, The Group, and the American Seal Team 6. Despite some minor tanking on both sides, the RW could not be stopped and the region was liberated. Several days after, a resistance was was started in the region of Brussels; PEACE was unable to defend the region.

Forces from EDEN and PEACE quickly flooded into the country in an attempt to take citizenships. For several months, Belgian Congress was dominated by The Group.

During those month, hundreds of gold where stolen from our National Bank. The country as a mess, hospitals where build, but the economy was failing. Our unemployment rate was one of the highest in the world (60😵, our GBP dropping, the wages very low and products nearly unplayable. The eUNL, eUK and real Belgians kept fighting to push The Group out of the country and to what was the best for the country.

A real resistance against EDEN was created, everyone following politics could see the mess they created in our country. Due to combined forces of eUK and eUNL the liberation came a few months later :

The liberation

On December 15, 2009 the UK attacked and conquered Flanders. A day after, Brussels was also conquered by the UK, effectively taking away all Belgian regions from the control of The Group. Since then the Belgians regions have been under the eUK control. This for the reason that everybody still saw those regions as a possession of the eUNL merger.

The regions where not given back due to merger talks between the eUNL and eUK, if they succeeded, giving the territories back was meaningless. The merger is still in discussion today.

The Polish/Spanish invasion

Everybody saw the latest developments on the world map, Poland and Spain nearly took over whole Europe. Only a few countries managed to stand for the moment : eUK and eUNL are part of them. The control over Brussels, Wallonia and Flanders was soon lost by the eUNL and eUK, this to make a clear passage towards the eUK border.

eUK have been fighting to get the territories back believing that leaving them under Polish and Spanish ruling was no good. They took control back, and today Belgium is back on the map again. But, this liberation is not because some strangers wanted it, no it was also a will of the eUK. The merger talks with the eUNL are stuck and keeping the territories in the eUK was meaningless. Giving them there freedom back was the best choice, NO members of the eUK army fought in this battle. This battle was won because the eUK decided to. Several topics on the eUK forum can prove this, as they can prove that the regions would be given back if the merger would not be concluded.


I hope that with this story of our country, the real story, you can understand why Belgium is today under the ruling of strangers and has never been before. Before it was always the decision of the Real Belgians, members and supporters of the PHOENIX alliance. We have never really been free, this due to the constant threat coming from EDEN.

EDEN has shown again that they cannot be trusted and that they want no good for Belgium. The only thing they want is to have another puppet state in Europe. Don’t believe what they say, we are only free if we can choice the direction to take ! Some of you may not agree that the merger with the eUNL was the best choice and want a free country, but I think that all Belgians have to agree that a merger with the eUNL is WAY better than being under the ruling of EDEN once again. eUNL is now composed of a majority of Belgians, the president is Belgian and has been elected 5 times in row. The congress was until now dominated by the Belgian Party, a pro-Belgian party that was fighting for the best interests of Belgian people.

So my fellow Belgians, I call you to fight against this EDEN members. Fight for your country ! Fight for a Belgium under control of REAL Belgians.

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