The Hard Life of an eMarine

Day 553, 05:59 Published in USA USA by sukoidha

1) Log on Citizen eRep.
2) Check messages for Orders.
3) Read Orders from Platoon Lieutenant.
4) Go to Army, Press Train
5) Go to Market Place, choose gifts, buy one gift, send to personal org
6) Log out of eRep
7) Log into Personal Org
😎 Gift yourself
9) Repeat Step (6)
10) Find Battle which you were Ordered to fight in
11) Click Fight
12) Click Fight again
13) Repeat Step (12) 3 times more.
14) Click back to Battle field
15) Click Hospital
16) Click Heal
17) Click Company
1😎 Click Work
19) Get the MONIESSS
20) Log onto IRC and Forum, stay online all day in case there are any changes to the situation and we need to tank.

Damn now that’s a hard life, you have to admit. Not many 2 clickers would be able to do that....
As you can see this is a lulz article for the marines, who are not really enjoying the Neutrality part of Scrabmans Presidency 🙂

We can joke as well as you can tell.

On a higher note though, have no fear we shall return stronger and better than ever 🙂
PEACE cheated against us, they won, what did you really expect??

They choose to fought dirty in Political Warfare, so choose to fight back to help out an ally.
This is a new type of Warfare one that can be won by everyone, not just by the strongest soldiers.

Some people may say, well why fight dirty back, they need to Politically Take over a Country, let them do it, but if allowed that to happen, we would have lost all the friendly High Iron regions and most importantly an ally.

I do not think that Spain would have been too happy to see the USA just sit back and watch Spain get over run by Hungarian Congress members.

You know what f**k Spain, I wouldn’t have been happy to have seen USA just sit back and watch PEACE take Spain Over. If you say that we fought dirty then so be it, but we did what we had to do and saved Spain.

Although when we get back to the regular warfare of taking down or building up walls, I can guarantee you that the eUSMC are going to come back with a Vengeance.
The General Boat has reached Field Marshal Paradise, and we can hit as hard as the rest of them, We have numerous FM’s now waiting to receive weapons to take down any wall that we are ordered to take down and you can be sure that we will be hitting that wall with everything that we have got.

More troops will be deployed, Hopefully Better weapons will be distributed if not, we can still pack a punch with Q1’s, so don’t worry about that.

PEACE think that they have the game on lock down now and they are untouchable, just wait until everything gets fixed and no more exploits will be found, and then they will see the true power of the USA.

Alone the eUSMC are the strongest group of soldiers in the USA, but TOGETHER as a nation we ARE the Strongest Country in eRepublik by numbers alone, so let’s UNITE when the time comes and show our enemies what we are made out of.

The eUSMC will be at the frontline fighting for you; will you choose to stop fighting amongst yourselves and join us?

The Choice is up to you when the time comes....

Semper Fidelis

Lt.General of the eUSMC