The Hammer of Belgium

Day 985, 11:49 Published in Belgium Belgium by Thore Thoreson

Belgium has just come through a very tumultuous time. With the migration to V2, Belgium, and the entire world, was thrown into chaos and confusion. By working together, we came out the other side, a little battered, a little bruised, but with our dignity intact and our economy growing. I wish to continue this growth by finishing what we started. I need your help to do so.


Our Minister of Economics and Finance, HuCard, has worked tirelessly to bring our economy out of the wreckage of the V2 economy module. We have brought inexpensive raw materials to our markets with a minimum of cost to the Government. Now we need to concentrate on putting our populace to work by getting our finished goods to the outside world. I have proposed a program of partially subsidizing companies located in Belgian regions, employing Belgian Citizens, to bring them to profitability. Included in this program is a proposal to help our companies buy export licenses to Countries that will buy our products and bring much-needed capital to Belgium. By getting our products on the world market, we will provide good-paying jobs to Belgians, profits to Belgian companies and taxes to finance our government. An strong and sound economic engine is what we all want, and what we need. I intend to bring this to Belgium.

Foreign Affairs

This past month, we were an active member of ENTENTE. Problem is, ENTENTE is not an active alliance. I have explored other options and brought my ideas to Congress in the form of an offer from a new alliance, ONE. As I am writing this, a vote is currently underway in Congress to accept their offer of membership. I believe they will be much more active and provide us with the opportunity to flex our muscles on the world stage a bit. In addition, our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stilpo, has revamped and revitalized the Ambassadorial system and has worked hard to get Belgium into the fore-front of other nation's minds.


This past month, our economy was the focus. Now it is time to change that focus to our military. JHemelhof, our Minister of Defense has rebuilt our Home Guard and organized a truly mobile strike force. We also have instituted a draft registration form, to be used in times of National Emergency as a means of placing our Citizens in areas where they will be most effective and placing our limited resources where they can do the most good. We also have begun to build a training program to train us in the new tactics needed so we all fight in a coordinated and effective manner. We will continue to build, actively recruiting from new players, building esprit de corps and forging a truly effective fighting force. I will also seek opportunities to deploy our mobile forces, both to test our tactics and to test our soldiers.

Home Affairs and State Companies

The effective use of state companies to provide jobs, education and wellness boosts to new citizens who do not yet have the means to obtain it on their own, will help us to retain the new players who are our key to long-term survival. We were not very effective this past month in using these companies to keep our people working. Most of this was due to the outrageous prices that raw materials cost us in the beginning of the month, which consumed most of the money allotted to our State Companies. But that has changed. Now we are concentrating on providing the jobs we will need, as a country, to be an economic machine, training our babies in the skills they will use to provide our companies with a motivated and effective work force. To this end, we bought a moving ticket company, with an existing export license to Serbia, at half the cost it would have been for us to build it on our own. We now have the means to train every skill our economy will need, while exporting the fruits of our labors and bringing in foreign currency.


This past month has been relatively quiet, at least on the forums. This has been due to almost everyone going on holiday. On the plus side, we have been able to hear from people that normally stay in the background. Our newest Citizens have not been afraid to get involved and speak their minds. Now we need to continue inviting our Citizens to speak up while getting our traditional activity levels back up. Good ideas can come from anywhere.

Standing together, we can and will make a difference. Let me continue to help make that difference with you.