The Grizzly Gazette 11'th Dec - A Belated Congratz, and the New Training Feature

Day 752, 21:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by John Thunscorpe
New Training Feature:
Well I just found out about this new feature and to be honest it seems like a very odd twist. I suppose something like this could have been predicted, but now that it has come around many questions arise.

How much will people be willing to pay?
So far I think it is way too expensive. When you put it into perspective the .5G is around what some pretty highly leveled manufacturer will make in a day. The 2g option is the same as a newspaper, and the 5g is the same as creating an organization.
It is definitely expensive! Though if you have money to burn…

Is it an unfair advantage?
Well you have to put your gold somewhere right? I mean if one wants to invest their money into training then that’s up to them. Yet it will be unfair if people buy gold with RL money, which will unbalance the game.

Will this mean more people will buy with their real money-GOLD?
This is most definitely why the admins did this. They want to make money. If people have RL money to burn I’m sure they will spend a lot to get ahead of the game. (Sort of silly really, I’m totally against buying gold…)

Also will governments set anything up to aid their younger citizens to train and increase the countries strength?
There are wellness organizations and such, because the government wants there country to be healthy. Will governments now create organizations to boost their younger citizens to a super solider level?? This would increase the average citizen strength level enormously.

Also,though rather late I'd like to quickly talk about the UK elections last saturday, what a great race for Prime Minister between Mr Woldy and Craig Rossiter! That was definitely one of the closer races ever in eRepublik. Both candidates are brilliant and great people, we're glad to have them here in the UK! Mr Woldy being re-elected is a superb for the UK though, as he continues to bring his wonderful personality and war to the UK.

So congratulations to you Mr Woldy it's nice to have to as PM again!

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-John Thunscorpe