The great regions of erepublik

Day 1,105, 07:29 Published in South Africa South Africa by Bobady zoo

As we sit down next to the fire, our elders tell us stories of fabled regions high in amazing resources or of great tactical importance. These regions were the location of many great battles, last stands by some of the eWorlds greatest empires or the heart of a nation. Through every era, these regions have held some importance, whether it is due to their boundless resources or its importance in a tactical masterpiece.

The Canary Islands

First is possibly one of the smallest regions in the game whose importance needs time to be appreciated. It does not contain any high resources nor is it a location of a large number of Spanish. It has never been the last bastion of resistance. The Canary Islands holds importance due to its location. It creates a link between Spain and Brazil as well as other Phoenix friendly nations like Mexico and Venezuela. It is the only Eden original territory which has access to both Europe and South America. It was key when the Spanish looked to invade Mexico in order too access the high Oil there. It is the only way in which Brazil have been able to gain access to Spanish regions, same when Spain decided to attack Brazil. No doubt it will hold importance in the future as the link between Europe and South America. Maybe we will see tactical genii exploit this link seeing remarkable conquests.


The last few days have seen two attacks on the United Kingdom’s region of London. London is both the capital in game as well as in real life. Being the Real life capital, it has always been key as babies were more likely to be born there than in other regions in the country. Compound that with its high Grain, it makes London by far the United Kingdoms most important region. The region is landlocked by only two United Kingdom regions which makes gaining a border a strenuous task. The region will, for a third time, be the United Kingdoms most important and final lien of defense. With most of their population situated in London, they have once again decided to focus their resistance there.

London has a history of resistance, often being the final line of defense for the United Kingdom. In World War IV, the United Kingdom retreated all its regions bar London in order to concentrate all their efforts on holding London. London was once again the final United Kingdom region during the Canadian invasion during the early days of V2. And now, London is one of two United Kingdom regions left as the Canadians and Americans have marched through the rest of the United Kingdom. And once again, the United Kingdom has resisted fiercely, winning the first battle for London against the Americans and taking the lead in the second against the Canadians.


The fabled high Iron region has been the location of many great invasions. Karkanata has had no less than 4 owners and has been the location of some of the most important conquests in erepublik. Due to India’s relative weakness, they have never been able to hold onto Karkanata for an extended time due to its high Iron which is very much lusted after by the eWorlds powers.

It was first seized my Pakistan during the Beta in which they were a major power. Indonesia later seized it and held onto it for many months. During the occupation, Romania attempted to invade it following their invasion of Russia which had seen them conquer regions all the way up to India. However, Romania was never able to gain a border and thus could never conquer the southern India region. It was them freed by the United States who then promptly rented it. However in July of this year, the region was returned to India and for the first time in almost two years they had control of the region, It was short lived as the allure of high Iron contently sees nations drawn to it. Once again, Pakistan invaded India and has assumed control of the region.


Lioaning, commonly referred to as Lion King, is one of China’s high Iron regions along with Heilongjiang (or Hello Kitty). It has been the scene of 2 major occupations, first by Pakistan and later by Serbia. Lion King fed the Serbian empire with a key source of high Iron, helping them on their path in many invasions. But first, it was held by Pakistan during Dio’s great empire which spanned both China and India. Following a successful American attack; they were able to return Lioaning to China. That was short lived as Serbia was able to invade it with assistance from their Russian allies. This became one of erepublik’s great fortresses, a term commonly used in V1.

Attack after attack, China was unable to regain the region. Even following a successful capturing of Hello Kitty from Hungary, Serbia stood strong refusing to budge. At one time, Lion King had over 9000 citizens and multiple hospitals and defense systems to aid in its defense. However, it was finally conquered following the introduction of the round based battle system, in some what of an anti-climax. China has since been able to hold the regions as it is not bordered by any opposing forces.

Sadly, many of these great regions are slowly losing their importance. While in the days of the Wall, countries could focus their entire population in a single region; today there is no wall and thus no boost for a region with many inhabitants. And with the decrease in attack costs, no more will countries concentrate their populations in certain regions to increase the attack costs. Regions have become worth less and less, shown by how easily nations are able to invade and counter attack. This will see the death of many of these great regions and has already seen the death of the fortress region. But we will all remember the classic battles and the history of these regions. Regions like Florida, London and Lioaning will always be remember for what they meant in the old days.

This was just a look at a few of the many key regions in erepublik, some which have become symbols of erepublik, others which are important due to their tactical advantage.

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