The Great Henry "Pfeiffer" Arundel....

Day 1,537, 21:55 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee
has nothing better to do than to spend his saturday night mass spamming the country to elect his new puppet since he was tossed out of the current Administration. EPIC FAIL. Vote Publius. NOTE- Edited for expletives. By the way, since he messaged this to me, odds are he is using an illegal messaging tool, so be sure to report him for vulgarity and submit another ticket to investigate if he is using such a tool.

February Presidential Election - Vote Vanek26!

Henry Arundel to General Cartman Lee | 5 minutes ago

The Presidential election is upon us, and I come to you today to urge you to vote for Vanek26.

Vanek26 is a 7 term National Security Council Director, and Supreme Commander of the Terra Alliance. His 'strategery' and dedication are unparalleled. His devotion to the destruction of our enemies is unwavering and because of this, all the citizens of our great land can rest easy knowing that he stands watch.

I urge you to put Vanek26 in the driver's seat, and let him get you to Taco Bell. Because that f****** flaming hot frito burrito is delicious. Also, Mountain Dew. Yea, motherf****** Mountain Dew.

Dew the dew, vote Vanek26.
