The Great eUK Crossword

Day 1,543, 15:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Citizen 4945322

Welcome to the Great eUK Crossword. Basically, what you do is answer the clues, and PM me them. All correct entries from people level 24 and up will be accepted, as will all half correct entries from people level 23 and under. The winner will be picked at random by an online generator.

Now, here is the important part:

The winner will receive 5 Gold, whilst second place will recieve 1000 GB and third place will get an amazing 200 Q2 food.

So, it is simple. Now answer the crossword.

1. Organisation run by Apronchef
2. Fagrealm (anagram)
7. Last May's President
8. Regularly commented on articles
10. Oldest active party in eUK
12. One half of the current MoHa
13. Former treaty with France and Germany.
21. Not Dumb?
22. Ajay's British counterpart.
23. Mel Gibson's Historic Scottish film
24. 3-2=
25. A Founder of ESO
27. The King
28. eUK Podcast

1. The Iron Lady
3. Military Unit of Eno Live
4. ... Initiative (Party)
5. Digby's favorite type of salad
6. If only this Nick was more of a Peter.
7. Humphrey's favorite fruit
9. To cut off a head
11. Derogatory term for someone French
14. Current President
15. The... Clubhouse
16. Dictator of Erepublik
17. Jack's Scottish child
18. Capital of Canada
19. Bomjiyoj (Anagram)
20. Resides in Forums?
26. The S in ESO

All entries until the end of February will be accepted, and there can only be one entry per person. Good luck!

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