The Great Debate results, what do you make of it?

Day 591, 04:21 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

After almost 2 hours of a continuous [interesting] wall of text, this is what was revealed.

Q1) To start the debate off, can you please briefly introduce yourself, give a brief overview of what you can bring to eAustralia over your competitor and most importantly why you want to be Prime Minister of eAustralia.

Xavier Griffith
I was eborn in Victoria on the 18th October 2008 or Day 333 of the New World when eAustralia was still completely under eIndonesian rule and oppression.
I fought in 2 Resistance wars to regain our regions.
Once we regained our Regions I pretty much served the Country in Politics from that time until only last term.
I can bring my Experience in eAustralian Politics, my experience in how the system works, mainly because I designed most of it.
I would like to be PM for eAus because its always been my home and always will be and I believe I can continue to develop the Country from those that came before.

Aussie Vegeta
I have been around for approximately 3 months. My first key interest was business and economy.
Through hard work and dedication, i swiftly ascended the ranks of the ministry of industry to become minister within a month.
I have been inspired by watching some of our great leaders in this country to pursue the mantle of leadership.
I have been involved in leadership at a party level for over a month and humbly believe that i have an opportunity to make a difference.

Q2) PEACE is currently the only alliance in existence but the creation of Fortis will lead to another powerful alliance coming into existence. How will this affect our future interaction in global affairs and do you believe it is time for Australia to pick a side or remain neutral?

Aussie Vegeta
My firm belief is that all the people in eAustralia want the country to be whole again.
This means i am willing to take any means necessary to see this happen.
I believe that the diplomatic option has been the best for now, but that our time of neutrality is coming to a close.
I will be doing everything within my power to secure western australia for our great nation.

Xavier Griffith
At this present time in history, I don't believe that we need to choose sides in such by joining a mega Alliance.
However, I do believe the time will come. For the present moment, I'd personally like to see eAustralia move out from behind its complete neutrality cloak and at least start to interact with the rest of the eNations out there.
Where that takes us completely will need to be seen and developed as situations arise. I do feel that our relations with eIndo have been souring for awhile and those relations need to be mended and enhanced if possible.

Rebuttal Question from Xavier Griffith: “AV when you say: I will be doing everything within my power to secure western australia for our great nation. what exactly do you mean? Has eIndo officially declared that they will not be doing this and what specifically type of action would you go to?”

Aussie Vegeta
I think we can be frank. We all know WA will be hard.
eIndonesia have not said they would not honor their committment to us and we, as I hope they will continue to do, will work towards the fulfilment of the ARRIA agreement.
However we have to recognise they have a lot of companies there. Having said this, obvioously for our people the return of WA is vital.
I will work towards that diplomatically with the Indonesians but also think about our place in the wider eWorld and make sure our voice is heard.

Q3) To give Australia a competitive edge domestically and globally would you consider devaluing the currency. If so to what rate do you think should be implemented? If not, why not?

Xavier Griffith
No, I wouldn't. I don't believe that devaluing the currency would help us in the long run and the consequence could be devestating in the long run.
It could also be hard to bring the currency later on and the legacy would be left to other PM and members of the Government after my term and I just wouldn't leave the country in that type of a mess.

Aussie Vegeta
I think we have to manage this carefully, in order to remain competitive on the international market.
We have to be careful that we don't let it devalue too much.
In order to remain competitive on the international market a lower exchange rate is needed but this issue has been worked on for the last 2 months and I believe we have the best balance for the moment.

Q4) Many Australians are pushing for the return of both SA and WA to regain the honour of the country. However it has been identified that if it was to be returned we do not have the resources to support it. What is your stance on this and would you be willing to accept the 1000g being offered? And if not, what would you counter offer with?

Aussie Vegeta
I do believe we need to recover all regions.
There are 4 parties involved in the WA decision. The Australian people, the Australian Government, the Indo people, and the Indo Government.
Our governments have currently agreed on what should happen. It is the people of the nations that believe something else. The governments represent the people, therefore want what is best for the citizenry.
I believe for our citizens, we need to recover all regions.
My counter to the 1000 gold offered would be that the Government start purchasing the companies in WA, beginning with the higher quality companies. Then selling and/or leasing them back to our citizens over time to recover the capital.

Xavier Griffith
I to want to see our Great Nation once again re-united. The AIRRA agreement allows for that to occur.
At the present moment we may not be able to support its return fully, but the return of our National States is not about whether we can support them fully in the short term, its about the actual return of them, its a matter of National Pride.
I'm sure, that with serious work as the time draws nearer, that the People of our Great Country will work dilligently towards being able to incorporate WA in particular and supporting its return.
While the money is an interesting point, it doesn't stop the National Pride issue we all have. We also know that there are still quite a few eAustralians living in these states under eIndonesian Rule.
The return of all of our States can only add to the number of Loyal citizens that we will have access to and will bolster our economy over a short space of time.

Rebuttal Question from Aussie Vegeta: While I think that is a general answer XG, it is not specific - my counter question is - how specifically would we get the people and afford getting them back. Committment to this is well and good but we need a concrete plan or it will be delayed. I propose a purchasing lease model, and would be interested in yours?

Xavier Griffith
The admnistrations of this Nation have been working for months with one solid aim, to fullfil AIRRA and that includes working towards gathering the money needed to pay for the purchase and fulfilment of those companies we need to buy out to get it. I have to ask, that if eAus isn't currently on track in being able to meet that buyout, what has the previous administration been to reduce the countries cash savings to allow it to meet that goal.
That aside, I don't see a slight delay as an issue, AIRRA allows for at least a 1 month delay in the return of WA, if its needed by either party. If it happens it can only help us

Q5) The war games that Australia is currently participating in are a huge success. What would you do if Argentina was to stop offering the opportunity and do you see a more efficient way, financially and strategically to hold them?

Xavier Griffith
I think it would be sad but I can understand why they might wish to stop. That said, there are other option open to us and the expereince out troops are gaining on all levels warrants and shows the value of such war games.
While I haven't had an opportunity to really look into it, there is certainly the option of approaching some of the other war game unions that are running, or even look at taking over ourselves from Argentina if thats what would help the other nations involved.
It would need to be looked into and discussed fully by the Senate and the Cabinet, but it is an option. As to making them more financially efficient, I am unable to comment until I have had access to the full expense listing related to it.

Aussie Vegeta
If argentina was to stop offering them, i think we should find another group of nations to be involved with, I have started research into other nations that we could be potentially involved with.
As far as other options go, we can wait for the admins to add new zealand, or when we have WA it will give us access to the greater world, we can come to an arrangement with a neighbouring country.
Other PEACE members have obviously found them valuable, so you would expect them to be keen to continue them, if not with Argentina or Chile, other nations would likely put up their hands.
The average strength of citizens of our nation were about 3 points lower back in march than what they are now.

Q6) Recently our GDP has started outstripping the demand of our country in certain areas, but foreign products are still infiltrating our markets due to their cheaper currency, wages and sources of RM. How will you deal with this so that domestic companies do not get hurt and remain competitive?

Aussie Vegeta
The only way I can see that we could do this is lowering taxes on raw materials and lowering the exchange rate as i believe import tax is as high as possible.

Xavier Griffith
I'm a staunch believer that we need to protect our own Companies. While imports are good, we can't allow them to kill of our own local markets.
While we may not have High regions in all areas, they are local companies. With this understanding I'd be inclined to increase import taxes on all goods that we currently have being manufactured or produced here. I would be looking at raising the Import tax on on Wood and Iron to around 75%. As we don't have a serious oil supplier, then we could afford to lower the Oil Import tax even further if supply is not being met.

Thank you to both candidates. That concludes the official debate, if you don’t mind sticking around for a little longer I will be opening the floor for an open mic session where spectators may put any further questions they may have forward.

Open floor

Xavier Griffith - AV, there has been alot of talk going around regarding Alliances and our Neutrality, do you believe that joining PEACE would benefit eAus and if so why and how?

Aussie Vegeta
As I said earlier, I believe at some point we need to come down off the fence. However we should consider this in the broader envorinment of the world climate. So I would consider it in consultation with my MoFA, the full senate and possibly through referendum to the people only.
I believe there are benefits, such as involvements in wargames, protection from indonesian invasion, however there could be consequences.

May I ask your view Xavier?

Xavier Griffith
Honestly I'm open to all avenues. I'm not a huge supporter of PEACE, however, that said, things change and I'm open to discussion regarding the matter. But I do agree that we need to come down off the neutrality fence to some degree. While I our Friendship and Trust of eIndo is there and good, we tend to rely alot on them for our protection simply because of their location to us.
Empires come and ultimately fall, I wouldn't like to see eAus left open if that empire should ever fall.

Aussie Vegeta - After our last election you left eAustralia. You joined another Congress and departed all this term. If I were to be elected would you be in my cabinet? and how would I trust that you wouldn't just up and leave your post?

Xavier Griffith
Yes Left eAus after the last election. I didn’t take a position on the current Administrations Cabinet, 1. the position offered I didn't really want, 2. I seriously wanted to do some travel, I had always been in eAus since my eBirth here. I didn't completely leave, eAus will always hold my Heart, and I did offer advice and assistance to those here that asked for it, I also offered suggestions.
Regarding your Cabinet, I havent' been offered a position in your cabinet at the present time, and if I was, it would depend what postion I was offered as to whether I accepted or not
If I accepted, I wouldn't leave however unless something came up that made it impossible for me to remain in the Cabinet.

Calibur for Aussie Vegeta - With Australia at a tipping point in its history, and the call for an experience player is out there. Why do you think you would be a good enough PM to make sure that Australia becomes a world player?

Aussie Vegeta
I believe that I am one of the fastest learners in the game and have an incredible knack for picking things up fast. Experience is valuable, both here AND in real life, I would bring that with me to the role. BUT, I also believe you need is a good team.
Even though I may be young (eRep age) when compared with recent Prime Ministers, I believe that in my time I have picked up incredible amounts of knowledge.
I have been actively involved in Federal Politics, Party politics, our Military, and our senate.
I will remain just as active, and lead our fine nation forwards.

From Cheeseball to Aussie Vegeta - Aussie Vegeta, I have a two questions for you, the first is two fold. The first, do you believe you have what it takes to look at Australia and see what it needs, and do you have the communication and personal research that involves to be a good CP?

Aussie Vegeta
I believe I have answered this previously, but relating to the first point yes I do I am open to people raising issues with me - often I am on here in IRC and take the time to listen and talk through good ideas with people.
I also think I can construct a strong team of experienced people and fresh ideas to lead us to the future, to your second point - I have been undertaking much research.

Cheeseball - But do you look through the news or the market to see what Australia needs? To see what the people want?

Aussie Vegeta
I constantly am active on IRC, the forums, and read many articles. Some I am subscribed to, others I browse for.

Cheeseball - Then why is it as a congressman and many time former MoI, that with the current levels of domestic produce in weapons that the foreign import taxes on weapons are still 45%, when there have been a number of calls made to rise the import tax levels on the weapons by varied citizens including myself. How can I vote for you when it has been brought up in the last official government article by the MoI by myself in a comment explaining this.

Aussie Vegeta
I'll be the first to admit that I possible overloaded myself earlier this term. I addressed this with our PM and asked to resign this role. Since then, I have endeavoured not to take on more than I can handle, so to be able to manage my required roles to the best of my ability.

As Aussie Vegeta has to head off, I will be opening the floor for a free open mic session. Thank you all for attending 😃

Aussie Vegeta
Thanks Corny for hosting

Xavier Griffith
Thanks corny for hosting this, Ladies and Gents, thanks for attending

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