The grain price war and food companys

Day 467, 17:48 Published in Australia Australia by TheBlackAdder

The grain industry is doing a terrific job of lowering prices and is a very very competitive market at the moment. Grain is leading the way to cheaper products for all Australians through the work of responsibe GMs out to improve the wellfare of eAustralians and make a small profit in doing so. Q1 goes for $0.5 or less and Q2 sells regularly at $0.8. Companys that sell for more are generating huge stockpiles and making no profit because they simply arn't competitive. This forces GMs to figure out how to sell for lower and still make a profit, the answer, lower wages. The grain industry's price war is on the forefront of curbing inflation, or is it?

Unfortunatly most food companys are not passing the savings on to the public. Food company GMs are making a killing while working Australians suffer and this is doing nothing to curb inflation. I am a capitalist, I believe in GMs running their company how they want and making a profit, but when RM prices drop 20% the savings should be passed onto the public. I see Q1 food selling for over $1 when they can do cheaper, and most distressing of all two Q2 companys selling for over $4!

Some food companys are doing the right thing and I congratulate them for it, but I don't see any GMs standing up and leading the way by lowering their prices substantially. Lower food prices means cheaper everything so this really needs to happen. I urge all food GMs to lower your prices for Australia's sake, and for all of you who think "so what, no one else is" simply lead and the rest will follow. So do it to lower inflation, cheaper food, cheaper wages and most importantly, cheaper gold 😉

Inflation looks like it makes us richer but it doesn't, do the right thing.