The GPN & DemNL relationship and the rantings of a madman!

Day 1,533, 15:18 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus


Well it looks like Joep O is being recycled once again to run for another term as country president by DemNL. Joep is a nice guy but I can;t imagine a second Joep O presidency.

What I fail to understand is this. DemNL has been supported by the GPn over the last number of terms, while they themselves have a good number of candidate who would make interesting candidates. These include van Spijck and Zeeuwsmeisje. AlthoughI might not agree with all their standpoints, I do believe that the GPN has made an impact on the political landscape. However I more and more get the feeling that they are the strong arm behind DemNL and the true reason for the political success of DemNL.
They are puppet masters in a sense, but strong arm sounds better 😉

Anyhow Im trolling in a sense now.

If I look at Joep O's proposed plan, to be honest I find it lacks substance. It is more populist propoganda that I have come to grow accustomed too with DemNL politics, low taxes, high spending and I&W/TDP bashing. Yes I know this article isn;t much better. But the point is this: Is this the direction we want our country to go forward with?

I mean do we need a CP who says

"It will be hard to top my last term, which could be indicated as the best CP term in all of eDutch history"

I think it might be time once again to bring forth an idea a few months ago. That is to create a government that is independent of elections. In other words, you have a fixed number of government positions (MoD, MoF) and then you have people apply to these positions. In discussion with the PP of the oother parties it gets decided who will occupy what gov position. That way we ensure that the government is run by trusted and experienced people.

People who wish to be ministers of a department must have at least 1 term experience of SS, and state secretaries (SS) can be anyone wanting to take part in the government.

This way we can get people from a larger pool of people and focus more on governmenting instead of changing what the other coalition did the month before. We are reinventing the wheel over and over. Where has it gotten us so far? Nowhere.

As for presidential elections, we should still have it. But it should be based on substance and seeign who is a good leader. We have many leaders in our community and I understand that our opinions may differ. However in the end there is one question that must be aske😛 "Does this make our country better or worse?"
