The Gold Standard

Day 271, 11:07 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

In nearly every simulation game involving the selling and buying of products there are inexperienced business owners effectively destroying the economy. They do this by selling their product one increment lower than the standard price. It doesn't stop there though, more people keep doing this so that they can get their product off the shelf first and get immediate profit. While it might benefit the sole proprietor of the company, it hurts everyone else and eventually affects the country. Stop selling your product for cheaper than even you can afford.

It isn't just these Q1 products in the marketplace that everyone has been talking about either. I went to look at the price of gold yesterday and people are selling it for .19 as opposed to the usual .20. People, please stop being so selfish and greedy and post your gold at the standard price. This is going to cause the value of our dollar to go down and is going to help perpetuate the downfall of our economy.

I know this doesn't seem in the best interest of the consumer, but it really is. What is the point in buying cheaper products if your salary has to suffer for it?