The Gods of Erepublik,Part 1 (REVISED) More gods and more stories

Day 735, 09:00 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

I love reading Mythological stories, and if you're someone that likes reading explanations and theories ( although knowingly false) then this is for you
In Ancient times ,as the theory goes, Greece would use "Gods" to explain courses that would take place. They used simple metaphors that made explaining natural events easy, and I am not creating a religion just fictional symbols like Uncle Sam (no offense Uncle Sam.)


So let's begin with Servities and Adminious
Servities (A.K.A. The Server: The God of Being, and Functions) is the force that allows everything. He was created before Adminious (A.k.a. Admin: The God of Welcoming, Invention, Enforcement,and Information.) was born. He first showed up along time ago, and was blank.
The image of Servities changes often, and he is one of many. Servities has separate versions of himself but they only come active when his first body shuts down.
At one point Servities was free , yet lifeless. No Erepublikan can remember a time before him because well they didn't have a life before then. ; ). He was taken by Adminious ,and Adminious would change his image and functions many times. Servities was used to create Erepublik (eEarth).
Adminious learned how to transform Servities and create other gods that would be separate but still dependent. The first god Adminious created was a goddess name😛 "Eliphe". (A.K.A./pronounce😛 eLife)

Eliphe: The Goddes of Wellness and Life
Eliphe created and supports Erepublikans (citizens of the new world).Eliphe gives wellness to Erepublikans by trading it for food. Eliphe creeps into Erepublikans houses (if any) to take the highest quality food ( for girls likes high quality things) in exchange for wellness, but if the Erepublikan doesn't have any food Eliphe will punish the sinner for not providing food and will take away wellness. If the Erepublikan would happen to have a nice house, Eliphe would give extra wellness.She wasn't very loved ,so she does her best to promote happiness and gives wellness to Erepublikans when they give gifts to each other. Eliphe also gives gold to Erepublikans that have high experiences and reach a certain level.

The above is just her traits that we know about today but for awhile she was quite bored with just Erepublikans which just sat there, so Adminious realized how depressed Eliphe was so Adminious created the next Go😛 Converse (a.k.a. The God of Communication)

Converse: The God of Communication and Media
Converse is a very athletic ,and very fast. Converse was able to take what Erepublikans were saying and delivering it to the other Erepublikans. Converse also offers the ability for Erepublikans to shout. Converse also delivers newspapers. He also delivers the Gold for those that receive the Media Mogul Medal. No one really knows why he did this but it's probably because his children live off of his acts. Converse in fact did impregnate Eliphe ,and almost immediately many gods were born. The Children of Converse and Eliphe are called the Civilties (a.k.a. Civilization.....The God of Communication created Civilization,get it?).

Civilties: The Gods which are the force that runs and establishes civilizations

The Civilties are the Gods that make up our countries and allow us to vote, collect taxes , create companies and etc. There are three of the them, and they are also are called the Civilty Triplets.

One of the Civilties that we will get to first is Politicus: The God of Politics

Politicus counts each vote. He also gives powers to Congressmen and the President. He allows them to vote and propose. He also takes away their powers when a new congressmen/politician steps up. He also gives gold to the politicians that are elected.
Politicus ,since the son of Converse, favors the Erepublikans that reach out to other Erepublikans, and well.

The next Civilty is Bethany: The God of Commerce ,and the Market

Beth is the force that allows Erepublikans to spend gold to make a company,and an export license. Beth also allows Erepublikans to make and exchange goods. She is attached to growth , and favors the country she is visiting but since she is a god she can be at as many places at once. she also promotes growth through self-sufficiency ,which is why she'll visit countries that have high import tax on resources that country can produce. She is single so fella's she likes long walks at places that have low taxes and cheap gold.

Adminious once got in an argument with Culd. Now Adminious is trying to transform him

End of Part one: PArt two will reintroduce Wally and the third Civilty
The Next Civilty is The God of Governemt