The Gods of Erepublik, part 1

Day 732, 18:53 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

I love reading Mythological stories, and if you're someone that likes reading explanations and theories ( although knowingly false) then this is for you

In Ancient times ,as the theory goes, Greece would use "Gods" to explain courses that would take place. They used simple metaphors that made explaining natural events easy, and I am not creating a religion just fictional symbols like Uncle Sam (no offense Uncle Sam.)

So let's begin with Servities and Adminious
Servities (A.K.A. The Server: The God of Being, and Functions) is the force that allows everything. He was created before Adminious (A.k.a. Admin: The God of Welcoming, Invention, Enforcement,and Information) was born. He first showed up along time ago, and was blank.
The image of Servities changes often, and he is one of many. Servities has separate versions of himself but they only come active when his first body shuts down.
At one point Servities was free , yet lifeless. No Erepublikan can remember a time before him because well they didn't have a life before then. ; ). He was taken by Adminious ,and Adminious would change his image and functions many times. Servities was used to create Erepublik (eEarth).
Adminious learned how to transform Servities and create other gods that would be separate but still dependent. The first god Adminious created was a goddess name😛 "Eliphe" (A.K.A./pronounce😛 eLife)

Eliphe: The God of Wellness
Eliphe created and supports Erepublikans (citizens of the new world) . Eliphe gives wellness to Erepublikans by trading it for food. Eliphe creeps into Erepublikans houses (if any) to take the highest quality food ( for girls likes high quality things) in exchange for wellness, but if the Erepublikan doesn't have any food Eliphe will punish the sinner for not providing food and will take away wellness. If the Erepublikan would happen to have a nice house, Eliphe would give extra wellness.
She isn't always selfish and is very happy when Erepublikans gives gifts to each other.
Eliphe creeps along and feeds with the God of War: Wally (pronounce😛 Wall-ee).

Wally The God of War
Wally is currently an infant, and was invented after Eliphe gave Erepublikans civilization. Wally spends his time building lego walls for fun. Since Wally is only an infant, Eliphe spends his time promoting happiness and wellness to Erepublikans that play with Wally's Lego Wall but Erepublikans get wellness from tearing or building walls if and only if the Erepublikans later pray in a local temple to Eliphe calle😛 Hospitals.
Wally is easily pleased by gifts and monuments. When a nation builds a monument for him, he builds a bigger wall in that area, because according to this infant it's nice and cute.

~ End of Part One~

There's more , much more, and this isn't all of the gods relations with things but I am only going to make another fictional/interesting article if and only if this article gets more than 100 votes