The Global Moustache (eRussian Edition) [EN]

Day 931, 02:27 Published in Russia Portugal by S.Ribeiro

Global Moustache – 1st English Edition - New World Day 931

Greetings from Portugal

Yesterday, 930th, was the day of the birth of a new newspaper, The Global Moustache. This newspaper, in addition to writing news and articles that depict stories from around the world, will also aim at honoring the proud and noble Portuguese moustache in foreign countries. I will refrain from discussing matters which are obviously eRussian in their nature, since they would be best left out for eRussians who have more right than me to discuss them 😉
There will always be at least two separate articles, one for Portugal and one for Russia, country where I am living, who welcomed me so warmly. Unfortunately, I have zero knowledge about your language (perhaps I will take some Russian classes one day) and so, I decided to write my articles here in English. For this, I ask for forgiveness.

A Portuguese friend who came to Russia with me. Unfortunately, she’s already taken <3

So, without further ado:

The moustache has closely observed the world around it. Lately, we have some topics to discuss:

-The fall of eIsrael
-Election Results
-Referendum in eFrance

The fall of eIsrael

As everyone surely have seen in the news lately, there has been some controversy between Israel and Turkey in real life. This resulted in a massive invasion by the eTurkey (supported by their alliance, Phoenix) and consequent annexation of the State of eIsrael.
Almost everywhere in the Israeli press, articles blame eTurkey for mixing real life with a game. Other articles are from Israeli who intend to leave the country, as well as ecitizens who blamed Eden for having done little or nothing to stop the massacre carried out by Phoenix. This invasion was obviously aimed at creating a Turkish babyboom, which indicates that this occupation should be temporary. As you know, the support of eRussia has been important for this invasion, having contributed with more than 780k damage, during the Siege of Jerusalem. Thus, any development in this region will be reported in this paper. Right now, there is already a resistance war in Nazareth North District, undoubly carried out and supported by infiltrators from Eden.

The eTurkish miitary parade after the liberation of Jerusalem

Election Results

As you know, almost everywhere in the eWorld, elections were held recently. In Portugal, the victory (as expected) was 240 votes for Antonio Moutinho, who thus wins a new mandate ahead of my eCountry. An important factor was the fact that the Benfica Party won the third place in this election, with about 71 votes. This is the ridiculous state of politics in ePortugal where a party, tied to a Football team, who didn’t even propose any concrete measure to help the country, gets third place for the Presidential elections.

The irl President of Benfica, along with his mighty Moustache

In eRussia, HankScorpio won with over 800 votes (around 37% of the voters). Across the world, a big highlight for the defeat of the anti-takover forces in ePeru (their leader was banned shortly before the elections) that continues as a colony of ePoland. On the opposite end, we can point out the victory of a TO force in Switzerland which now is faced with glorious eRussian rule.

Referendum in eFrance

During the last term in eFrance a referendum was launched to know the opinion of the population in relation to a possible entry into Phoenix, an alliance with whom they share a relationship of friendship. We all know that it was thanks to Phoenix that eFrance recovered many of their regions, but we also know that they regard the entry in Phoenix as a "loss of independence."
eFrance currently occupies an important position within the alliance "The Entente", a position that would undoubtedly be lost if they enter Phoenix. However, compared to Phoenix, the Entente is relatively incapable of having some kind of socio-political in eWorld, this factor that leads many to prefer an eFrench relative loss of independence, since that membership of the Phoenix would likely lead to growth and increased influence of eFrench, people with very noble and very happy moustaches.

Allez la eFrance!

However, this referendum was a complete fiasco, as you will see:

Staying in one-Entente - 124 votes = 52.99%
2-Enter the Phoenix - 93 votes = 39.74%
3-Try to keep the two - 17% votes = 7:26
Total: 234 votes

As seen from the small number of voters, only a tiny percentage of the population adhered to this reference. Many complain of bugs that prevented them from voting, as well as the difficult access to the forum where the voting took place. So many people said that this voting should be redone later, since at this time, it has proved nothing.
However, eFrance knows that right now, they depend on Phoenix to liberate Aquitaine and the Rhone Alps. We saw the huge damage of the eRussian tanking at the last battle for RA and, probably if countries such as eSerbia, eHungary and eIndonesia had supported the invasion in this way, the eFrench would have a place to go in vacation to in Winter, by now. If there are any developments in the situation in eFrance, the Moustache shall let you know.

And so I end my first article. If you support the writing of these English articles in Russian news-space, please write it in a comment.

Until then, the Moustache will wait and meditate on our eWorld.

Do not forget. Voting is good, subscribing is perfect = D