The Gem of eKorea

Day 1,088, 20:25 Published in South Korea France by Yonai Keiko

Sugawara Michizane, war criminal to the highest degree and enemy of the state, has launched an attack on Jeju Island a few hours ago. Jeju is not only a province, some meaningless region that can be lost. Jeju embodies the spirit of Korea, its serves as a symbol of our freedom, liberty, and independence. When we took back Jeju after more than a year of Japanese control, we swore that never again would Jeju fall to the hands of Japan or any other foreign nation.

Jeju is Korea.
Korea is Jeju.

Wherever you come from, whatever political block you follow, whichever alliance you support, I ask you to step forth and defend my island home and defend the integrity of our nation. If you are a true Korean, you will fight and pour you soul into defending Jeju.

In the name of the Queen, the Sun God, Dio, and any other that you may worship.


-Yonai Keiko