The Gaurdian For Congress

Day 1,766, 03:57 Published in South Africa South Africa by The Gaurdian

Hello Everyone,

I am The Gaurdian Today I wanted to tell you, the eCitizens of eSouth Africa that I am running for Congress. I was eBorn in this country on September 16, 2012 currently residing in Free State, eSA. I am a honorable man and wish to do good by you and my Political Party the DB-PF. I am a newer player but always willing to learn and have learned enough to notice that we need active leadership and leaders with decisive minds on what is best for our country. I am always online and looking to help people out so let me help you.

My Goals are simple I wish to get more players interested in eSA to expand our overall population size at least into 1,000 eCitizens who all can help us conquer our current our problems by simply being active participants in our society. Next I would propose on increasing our tax rate, our government helps our eCitizens and there is nothing wrong with that, but we need to increase profit for our country and higher our wages to attract some attention to existing players. Immigration is a key way to increase our population but we need to monitor players coming in. I want to be the Advocate for you and make our country Prosper. Together we can become a superpower but like everything else it takes some WORK perhaps one day we can restore eSA and control our nine territories once again.

If you have questions then post i will try to answer all questions in an article prior to elections to show you I Mean Buisness.

Guardian Publishing
The Gaurdian

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I am The Gaurdian and I approve this message
Day Published 1766