The game inside the game.

Day 1,147, 14:21 Published in Sweden Bulgaria by HrBjorn

The game inside the game

Why do you play erepublik? Is it because of the totally kickass economic module? Is it because you like how the military module is? Or is it the political module?
If you can say yes to one of these, then good for you. You have found a game which suits your demands. However, you are a quite rare breed.

We are others who look at erepublik as a burger. Sure, it’s awesome with just the buns, the beef and some ketchup and mustard. But it’s even more awesome if it gets some slices of lettuce, some tomatoes, pickles and onions.
We tend to put much more into our burgers than what’s right there. We like to make it into much more.

The same goes for erepublik. We don’t just play the game, we play the game inside the game. You can call it fool around. HrBjorn does not care. But have you ever stopped and thought “Maybe it will make the game, itself, better”.
Why settle for what you got right in front of you, when you can make something way more fun up? Sure, you might not like some names, like "Homonavia" then come up with a better suggestion. Sweden ain’t a bad name, not at all. But why just settle for that?
Why just settle for running a country like IRL, when you can do it completely different? Why don’t institute a timeshare monarchy? Why don’t have a state religion?
HrBjorn is here not talking at all of what it was in Denmark, it’s just what he knows about. It could be something completely different. You could salute sauerkraut as your war-trophy for all eternity.
Now, HrBjorn must ask you, is it really what you want? A media overrun with interviews, manifestoes, statistics and statistics over statistics? HrBjorn, at least, find that utterly boring.

It is possible to both fool around and be serious at the same time. You can make a new ministry, without losing the integrity of the others. Think about the Ministries of Lulz in other countries. Do they have anything to do with erepublik? No. But they still serve a purpose of making erepublik more than it is.
It is possible to give a nation progress while completely fool around. Look at some of Algaroths presidential terms. Half the time he was drunk, still it made Sweden stronger. He once suggested Dinosaur Jousting instead of the old military module where you kept hitting at a wall. It was great. He did that, while making Sweden better.

Think for the Union(Or nation, whatever). What do you think will keep new players? Is it a military module where they can’t make much of a difference, or is it a role playing game inside erepublik?
Think on the question “Why do I play erepublik?” HrBjorn will bet his shoe that it’s not because of the erepublik modules, but the people that use them. It’s the social connections that keep you logging in everyday. What will a role playing game inside of erepublik do? Make it easier for old, new, active or not so active, to get social connections with others.

Just think about it.

And, no hot chick in the end.

Since there apparently were some vulgarity in the first edition of this, HrBjorn have been forced to edit this a bit.