The Future

Day 1,034, 10:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Avlana Kiarunto
Article #51

As you can see, I have not published an article in a while. My once weekly political articles slowly became more disjointed and less frequent, until after the summer holidays, boredom, other things taking over and lack of progress, I gave up. Despite having over 200 subscribers, most articles I wrote barely scraped past 20 votes, even with advertising. The articles became monotonous and I ended up having no initiative or will to write them anymore.

But as I approach my first eBirthday, I must decide what to do with this. I have distanced from eRepublik in general recently but I will now attempt to get active once again, starting by running for congress this Saturday. This includes reviving this paper. However, I am unsure of what to do with it. I could restart the political statistics afresh, but the thought of doing it week on week doesn’t exactly inspire me. Unless of course, I do it fortnightly. Or even monthly. I could use it as a personal blog type newspaper, or as a news newspaper. But there are many bigger and better papers which do this already. Or I could do all three.

For now though I must think what to do and juggle with (frankly more important) problems in real life.

Watch this space.