The Fraternity-YOUR Brothers

Day 1,174, 12:55 Published in USA Austria by Hydroloc

Hello All,

I am here to discuss what I have recently been doing for my new eBROS, The Fraternity

They are a special group of citizens or friends that are out for a common goal, to change the way the eUS is run. Not for the bad, but for the good. How, you ask? Well, we aim to aid those who are constantly undermined and shut down, for their ideas and beliefs, by the same ones who are always trying to gain official roles. In the Fraternity, and every 6th party out there, we want a taste of what its like to be a congressman, or a president. We do not believe we need a larger party deciding for us.

1. Our number one goal, rise to become a new powerful influence in eRepublik.
2. Every brother of the Fraternity has a voice here.
3. We aim to fight for a fairer system of government in the United States.
4. Consolidation and Cooperation of smaller parties.
5. We take care of our own.

Remember those, they are what makes us what we are, The Fraternity.