The Fourth - and my final countdown

Day 733, 07:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by Digits 05637716

Hi there,

My name is 05637716 (aka Digits). I am running for Congress in your area, Cork and Kerry, for what will be my fourth, and last Congress term I seek here in Ireland for the foreseeable future. By the end of next month, the time will have come for me to stand aside, and make room for the up-and-coming generation to debate in the hallowed hallways of the Dáil. In the meantime, I am looking forward to hearing your concerns about the issues that affect you. I am here not to tell you what to do, but to listen to what you want. This is an open invitation to message me about things you would like to change, or see done.

I am an Independent Voice, and founded the party dedicated to listening to all of the voices and views of of our citizens. I have served in many positions of responsibility in the country, including current Minister for Industry, Minister for Health, Minister for Finance, Minister for Community, Minister for Information, Immigration Secretary, Leas Ceann Comhairle and a Commanding Officer in the army Time dictates I cannot do them all, as I wish I could help out as much as possible.

I am active everyday, in game and on many forums and am closing in on my 8th Hard Workers Medal. Other Ministers will tell you I am helpful, and full of positive ideas.

Those who know me know I am a workaholic here in the game. I always try my hardest to achieve what is best for Ireland. I am well aware of own limitations and my flaws, and providing reasons for citizens to put their trust in you with a vote is and always has been a humbling experience. I hope I don't let you down.

I would appreciate if you expressed any concerns or issues you might have, which I will help you with. If not, I'd ask you to consider voting for 05637716 on the 25th in Cork and Kerry.

Here is a link to my profile

Yours faithfully,
